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Epiphone Les Paul Midnight Edition

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I am new to the forum and with all the extra time I have during the lockdown, I am looking to begin learning the guitar again (I briefly tried to learn in my teenage years). 

I have seen an Epiphone Les Paul Midnight edition guitar on ebay. 

The guitar looks really nice, but what is the feedback on this guitar? Would it be a good guitar to learn on? I am hoping to learn rock and metal  


Thanks for your help. 

5 minutes ago, Spanky said:

...what is the feedback on this guitar? Would it be a good guitar to learn on?...

Short answer..? Yes, that's a fine guitar to learn on (as are many others...).

Caveat... If it's second-hand, just be sure that there's no hidden flaws. As a novice, you may not realise what needs checking, so either be reasonably wary, or have someone check the guitar, preferably before purchase. This recommendation applies to any 'pre-owned' instrument, not just this Epi. Things to look out for..? A decent guitar bloke will know, generally, but things like working truss rod (difficult to fix; sometimes impossible...) wood cracks or repairs (most Les Paul-style guitars have a weak spot behind the nut, and many have been glued back after an 'incident'...), electrical faults (noisy pots, fully-functioning pick-ups, solid jack socket; mostly easy fixes, but can become expensive...) and more.
If buying from a shop, all of this will be covered by distance-selling regulations, but one doesn't have this protection from a private sale.

There, I don't mean to frighten you; most sales are genuine and work out well, but you did ask for advice. Good luck with the learning; buying the guitar is just the start, and is the easy part..! B|


Yeah. Unless it's a stupidly rare sixties model worth over a grand, *don't* buy an epiphone with neck issues. A Fender at half price with a smashed neck, well, you can always buy a good neck and bolt it on. A set neck is all kinds of hell to replace, and any Epiphone from the "budget Gibson" era is unlikely to be worth that levle of fix, alas.

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