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Fender/Squier Price Fixing (Class Action)

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Did you buy a new Fender or Squier online between 2013-2018? You could be due a refund.

Hi, I am working on building a legal class action against Fender who were recently fined £4.5M for price fixing by the competitions watchdog (CMA) for their online guitar sale practices https://www.gov.uk/government/news/guitar-maker-fined-4-5m-for-illegally-preventing-price-discounts.

What Fender Europe did was prevent UK online retailers from setting their own prices, so that many people that purchased a Fender online overpaid. If successful, it means that you could be due a cash refund worth hundreds of pounds.

At this stage, I am just looking to see if anyone would be interested in receiving further information about the action. If so, please can you message me or reply to post. This would be a No Win No Fee service, so would not cost you anything.

Many thanks

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