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Takamine GN10 sn VS Eastcoast G1S VS Tanglewood TWR2 O

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Hi all,

I want to buy a spare acoustic guitar when I hang around at the beach when I am on holidays or when I do bbq on Sundays.
I do not want to use my Martin or my Taylor as both they are all solid wood which means very sensitive in this kind of environmental changes. Of course I do not want to spend thousands like I did with those 2 guitars. I am looking for something which costs below than £200.

I am checking out these 3 guitars:
- Takamine GN10 sn (all body is laminate, £180)
- Eastcoast G1S (back and sides laminate and they say that the top is from solid wood,  £120)
- Tanglewood TWR2 O (they say that the guitar is all solid wood but I am not convinced about that, £160)

As far as I can listen to them from the youtube the Takamine seems to have better sound, the second best seems the Eastcoast and in the end the Tanglewood.
I know that I have to go in person in a music store and spend sometime with each guitar before I decide but due to the COVID-19 this seems impossible.

Does anyone have any experience or opinion about those 3 guitars? Or if you have in mind any guitar for the beach and in general for outdoors with less than  £200 where its sound does not suck?

PS: All of my guitars have a gloss finish. I want to try a satin finish guitar, that's why those 3 are all satin.

Thank you very much for the help in advance!!


Any of these three guitars will give satisfaction 'on the beach', or at home on the sofa. I doubt that it would be useful spending much time doing one-on-one comparison in a shop, especially if you're 'tuned' to hearing Marin or Taylor stuff. My 'go-to' guitar is a Takamine G220 (discontinued, bought second-hand but inexpensive when new...) and it does a fine job. I'd go for the Takamine with no hesitation, unheard, as I don't think that they make duff guitars, at any price point.
Just my tuppence-worth. B|

2 hours ago, Dad3353 said:

Any of these three guitars will give satisfaction 'on the beach', or at home on the sofa. I doubt that it would be useful spending much time doing one-on-one comparison in a shop, especially if you're 'tuned' to hearing Marin or Taylor stuff. My 'go-to' guitar is a Takamine G220 (discontinued, bought second-hand but inexpensive when new...) and it does a fine job. I'd go for the Takamine with no hesitation, unheard, as I don't think that they make duff guitars, at any price point.
Just my tuppence-worth. B|

Many thanks for your answer and for your time!


THe Tanglewood is likely to be pretty good at that price. And yes, it will be solid. Tanglewood acoustics tend to be surprisingly good for the money at the lower price levels; I've not had a chance to try their much more expensive high enders.

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