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"THe Fender Stratocaster" (book) A R Duchossoir

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Back in the Summer of 1993, I bought a copy of the then widely available book "The Fender Stratocaster" by A R Duchossoir. A deceptively slim but inofrmation-dense history of the development of the Strat from 1954 right up to the initial run of the American Standard Stratocaster in 1988. Had a forward by Clapton. While saving up for my own Amercian Standard (which took a further year), I devoured that book. It was an absolute font of knowlede and detail - down to the levle of the month(ish) they changed logos, pickguard screws, pickups, single /multi ply / mint guards, body wood..... It was from that book I learned the significance of a 57 or a 62 Strat, what the "Fender-CBS corporate buyout of 1965" (Qutoe: Wayne's World) actually meant, and so much else. I've long been keeping an eye out for something similar but up to date (ideally at least up to the launch of the Player series in 2018). The Duchossoir book is still fantastic, but I would like some more recent information. I do have the Haytnes manual from 2012, but nothnig more recent than that. Im' speciofically intersted in a dedicated Strat book rather than Fender more generally.

Any leads?


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