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NTD (new tremolo day). Bigsby Content.

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Posted (edited)

Here's the thing, I have massive Gretsch GAS, but I don't play guitar in any bands (at the moment), therefore, I can't justify spending large wads of money on unnecessary musical instruments. Colour me sad :( . However, as an inveterate guitar tinkerer, there's always a compromise to be had and, in this instance, a Bigsby to be fitted! Colour me pleased :)


Edited by ezbass
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Is that the model that's slightly smaller in the body than most Gibby semis? Looks great. Certain guitars to my eye just look far better with a Gretsch on them, to the point where it's worth donig purely for cosmetic reasons. (Also good for rebalancing a neck-heavy SG! :-) ).

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Zombie thread time 🧟‍♂️.


The Gretsch GAS welled up again to almost unbearable proportions, but I reined myself in, realising that I’m only playing to please myself at the moment and the Casino Coupé is a more than capable guitar. Since the OP, I have fitted new pickups, changed the knobs and made a couple of other aesthetic changes. However, just like the factory fitted Bigsbys on other guitars, with the same break angle over the bridge, tuning stability is questionable. In order to keep the GAS at bay and address this tuning shortcoming, I bought a drop in replacement, roller bridge. Why, oh why did I not do this at the get go? I can attack the Bigsby without fear of a discordant result on return to the resting position. The cost of this miraculous upgrade, less than £22, including delivery. Happy days!



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Fantastic looking.

I also have Gretsch GAS on a regular basis, I love the look of the hollow bodied and the Bigsby, even though I don't use vibratos usually.

But I also just play for my own amusement so try to content myself with the numerous guitars I already have. In fact, I have enough parts to probably make another 2 or 3 complete instruments, so that should keep me busy. My wife says I tinker with them more than I actually play them these days.

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