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Those who use effects on bass, do you have a similar approach to guitar?

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One for those Basschat folks who are starting to peruse this fresh off the block forum... With bass I'm a heavy pedal user and consider my preamp and gain pedals as more important than what my bass amp can offer tonally, but with guitar I'm completely the opposite. Gibson SG Standard into a Tiny Terror and I'm good to go! I sometimes stick a delay or reverb pedal in line, but enjoy the simplicity of guitar straight into amp. Totally not the same with bass though, I run 11 pedals at the moment. Does anyone else find this, or vice versa?


For bass, just the odd effect here and there when jamming for fun.

For guitar, I’m totally torn between psychedelic textual pedal fun v’s simple guitar into amp and some Creedence riffs! 


I play mainly cleanish electric or acoustics with pedals and have a similar approach to the way I my bass pedals. I go for quality and just a few. I use trem and delay and sometimes a bit of dirt the most on guitars



The only effects I ever really use on bass are envelope filter or a bit of compression.

I generally run my guitars through a multi fx pedal and it's very rare that I'll be using a completely clean tone, if nothing else I'll have the reverb on.


I used to be a bit of an analogue purist, my pickups were hand wound, my pedals were analogue (apart from the tuner), and the amp was all valve.

Since coming back to bass, I've revised my opinion, and I'm now using an all digital setup for both bass & guitar. A Line6 HD500X. Might not be quite as touch sensitive as the analogue setup, but it's good enough for me.


It doesn't count if the amp has a built-in reverb, right?

I tend to be pretty minimalist in both cases: as long as the guitar and amp can produce a decent tone between them, I can treat effects like a spice rack. Though whilst I'm happy to be pedal-free on bass, I'd be more likely to make sure I had an OD to hand (to foot?) when on guitar.


Not really and I just use compression and octaver. I get those from my Roland amp although I sometimes use a Zoom B3 (I sometimes add an exciter, some reverb or an amp model, too) but I've recently purchased an EBS Octabass to replace the octave effect in the Zoom as I think it's weak.


I'm pretty new to guitar and I'm far off gigging or even jamming with others but I'm already gassing over dirt pedals. Think I'll try to keep it simplish though. Couple of dirts and a reverb maybe. Already ordered a big muff...

On bass I've tried a few effects over the years but am currently going straight to amp, no effects. However I've just seen the Nano Operation Overlord (drive, blend and a 3 band eq)... hmm...

Posted (edited)

I use a few affects with my bass guitars and Wah pedal for fun.

With my electric guitars I have a large affects board with wah and volume pedals.

It’s not been getting much use over the last month since I bought a Boss Katana 100 Mk2 amplifier because it has so many affects built into it and a shed load more if you connect it to a computer and access its tone studio.


Edited by Jazz Club
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I have completely different approach as I''m going for different things.  The bass signal chain is set up around dry, effects/bass synth and arpeggiated bass synth.  The guitar signal chain is set up around sparkling cleans, crunchy overdrive and midrange meltdown, with or without chorus, delay, reverb and wah.

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Posted (edited)

I don't much care for effects with bass.... too prog for me! I'm not quite as minimalist with guitar - I like the option of reverb (if it's not in the amp already) or echo (*echo*, not "wanky eighties delay"), and a trem pedal for occasional use. Otherwise, it's two or three boost / drive pedals, as for whatever reason I've realised I prefer to use a saingle channel amp set either ot claqn or edge of breakup, and add dirt to taste with one of two or three pedals over a multi-channel amp. I have flange and wah, but unless or until I decide to do a regular cover of voodoo chile slight return, I don't really use the latter, and the former is for the ocasional raygun noises. As a rule, I tend to prefer pedals(other than drive/ boost) to be much more subtle than "Oh, what's the effect they're using there?". I'll use flange or phase about as often as Steve Jones did on Never Mind the Bollocks (once, from memory, in Liar).

Edited by EdwardMarlowe

Bass..? Pretty much 'clean', with oodles of headroom. Guitar..? Sparingly (I'm not very good, so...). 'Stock' sound would be Boss compressor, into Boss Fender Deluxe for a spot of reverb, into Akai Headrush. I've recently bought a 'wah' pedal, but not dared to plug it in yet. Soon, maybe... B|

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