I recently picked up the guitar and have been trying to learn by watching and playing tabs found online, it's a slow progress but I feel I'm getting somewhere at least.
The main area of problem is timing and discomfort in the fretting arm/hand, I mainly try to play Ritchie Blackmore songs and given I'm a complete newcomer to the field I figure I could use some help.
Below is a short video of two different ways I play man on the silver mountain, watching it makes me realize that my fretting is doing a lot of motions. It doesnt feel that way when playing but it definately doesn't look as smooth as when others play, also I can only play for a shorter duration of 20 minutes or so before my hand start aching.
I reckon it ain't easy but if anyone has any tips for me, I'd appreciate it.
Hey all,
I recently picked up the guitar and have been trying to learn by watching and playing tabs found online, it's a slow progress but I feel I'm getting somewhere at least.
The main area of problem is timing and discomfort in the fretting arm/hand, I mainly try to play Ritchie Blackmore songs and given I'm a complete newcomer to the field I figure I could use some help.
Below is a short video of two different ways I play man on the silver mountain, watching it makes me realize that my fretting is doing a lot of motions. It doesnt feel that way when playing but it definately doesn't look as smooth as when others play, also I can only play for a shorter duration of 20 minutes or so before my hand start aching.
I reckon it ain't easy but if anyone has any tips for me, I'd appreciate it.