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Basic Board w/midi switching for home use - Wheelchair User

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I know its a question that has been asked a million times on a million different message boards, but my needs are slightly different. I am not very technically minded when it comes to the pedal board side of things (cables needed, power supplies that work with certain volt pedals, etc) so a bit of advice on that would be good too.


I'm looking for a basic build along the lines of :-







So the pedals I sourced for this are tc electronic polytune 3 mini, ehx nano big muff, horizon devices flux echo, ditto looper

Was also looking at the one control caiman pedal switcher to link it all up to.


As a wheelchair user, I would like to have the ability to have this at arm height/on a desk, and have a midi switch of one row of pedals at the front of the board so that I can select each pedal just using the switch rather than dance around each pedal.

I would also like to future proof it a little for getting a couple more pedals.


So the first question is, do the pedals and switcher I mentioned all work together or is there something i'm overlooking that'll cause an issue?


Advice on a power source and pedal board type/size would be great as well.


I realise that was a lot of info but I wanted to cover all my bases, thanks.




There's only one candidate that comes to mind : the Moen GEC9 2nd Edition...




I'm not sure what MIDI brings to the party for stomp-box pedals.


If you're not married to those specific pedals, a more flexible system would be a good rack multi-Fx, such as the G-Force, which can be controlled with a MIDI controller, or go down the modelling rabbit-hole. Just my tuppence-worth; hope this helps. 




Hi and thanks for your suggestion.

Not married to those options at all, consider this open season. I'm very much new to the pedal side of things, I just want a system that is fairly easy to programme, switchable with ease as well...and sounds half decent would be nice as well!



Do you have a budget?


You could also probably look at a Zoom G3 unit for a hundred quid.  I think you might be able to operate it through the software but can't confirm this atm.  I'm wondering how you might operate a looper with hands given you would need to stop playing to push a button.


My budget can be anywhere up to £800 or so.

I'm not sure how practical it would be but I was thinking along the lines of operating the looper with an elbow as I play... might take a bit of practice to get that right haha.

Ill look into the Zoom pedals, thanks!


I don't see any reason why what you've proposed wouldn't work, but I'd also be looking at a one-box solution - the Zooms mentioned would be one option, or e.g. the Line 6 HX Stomp/Stomp XL depending on how many switches you need/want.


Had a look over the last few hours and think the Zoom G6 is something along the lines of what i'm looking for. If its all simple enough and in one box then i'll not meddle too much with other pedal options if its not needed.


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