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Line 6 POD Go Multi FX Processor

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Line 6 POD go multi FX Processor anyone have any knowledge of?
Im thinking about getting rid of my pedals, 5 in total, boss mt2, boss ch1, boss rc3 and tc electronic the prophet and dunlop crybabybthe sale should get me part to the line 6.
My idea is the line 6 can do all of the above in one unit? 
I only play at home for my own amusement, very much still learning . I like the idea of pre made profiles for genres and songs on the pod. 
Your thoughts ladies, gents pros cons

I'm a big fan of multi-fx in general and Line 6 ones in particular, having had a Pod X3 Live and now an HX Stomp, with the caveat that it does help to rtfm for your chosen unit.


You get way more flexibility, although the learning curve may be steeper then with separate pedals. For me that's a good trade off.

  • Thanks 1

Ive watched a few videos, im sold on the idea. Gak have the pod go on sale atm, which apparently will run for at least end of the month. 


My pedals are up on ebay 😃 to help fund tnis purchase 

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