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Gilmouresc lead tone issue...

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Hello all,

I am up against it here, I can get a very convincing comfortably numb  tone at home but when playing with a band, not so much, I understand the scooped mids issues so to rectify this I have a boss EQ200 which is set to boost the mids and cut some low end and upper high end, my delay is set quite low in the mix as well and no reverb added, just seems to get lost! 

How is is possible that Mr Gilmour himself has all these effects and still sticks out above the whole band whilst soloing. is it just volume?



19 minutes ago, Boomerrat said:

...I am up against it here...


Up against 'The Wall'..? xD




No, OK; seriously, then... What guitar (Strat or similar..?). What p/u's (stacked doubles, like DG or standard single coils..?). What gauge strings..? DG has muscles in his fingers fatter than many people's biceps, and can bend, with ease, 12's or 13's. The tone from 9's won't cut the mustard. What amp/cab..? I would suspect that, at home, you're able to face the cab. In a venue, the cab may be beaming to your calves. What does it sound like 'out front'..? Remember, of course, that The Master has an enormous PA helping him out, and, not one, but several AC30 combos stacked up. The input from The Fingers is not to be neglected; several decades have honed his skills to that perfection; it's not yet been tinned. Sheer volume won't bring about The Tone unless there's some serious hardware able to project. Does any of this ring a (division...) bell..?

(Usual disclaimer : I'm a drummer...).


I am using a Suhr Classic Antique s With Ml70 single coils and a Thornbucker bridge PUP, elixir 10s and a RDA custom 18w all tube amp.

maybe the use of the PA is the way forward, to completely remove the cab and have my noise directed out?


1 hour ago, Boomerrat said:

I am using a Suhr Classic Antique s With Ml70 single coils and a Thornbucker bridge PUP, elixir 10s and a RDA custom 18w all tube amp.

maybe the use of the PA is the way forward, to completely remove the cab and have my noise directed out?


That looks to be an ideal set-up that even Gilmour would appreciate. My recollection of valve amps (I used a Watkins Westminster at first,, and a Linear Conchord,  then Hiwatt 50, and now have several valve amps, Hiwatt, Fender, Mesa and more...) tell me that you have the potential for that tone, right there. 'How loud is the band..?' would be the next question. You'll be able to crank up the volume, but risk losing that delicate subtlety that's required. If your drummer is a 'shed-builder', you may get away with doubling the cab (or adding a cab if it's a combo...), but the way forward for integrating that tone at venue level would be mic'ing up the cab (SM57 aimed at the sweet spot of the cone...) into the FOH desk, and let a quality PA do the heavy lifting. It's not decibel volume per se that you will need, it's volume of air being shifted, and more speakers will do that better than cranking up the amp. You've already got a top-notch rig; improvement will need top-notch solutions, I'm afraid. How deep are your pockets..?


Mic your cab up and use the PA for support. DG will definitely be doing this. Small amps have thankfully become the way to go, rather than massive 100w beasts with numerous 4x12s (always ridiculous down at The Dog & Duck) but the trade off is less power onstage. PA support is the easiest solution and will only cost you the price of an appropriate mic and lead, rather than more/bigger cabinets, which might not cure the problem, as you can only do so much with the power being supplied to them and then there’s the logistical problem that goes with more, big boxes.


Oh yeah, :crigon_04:.

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