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Help choosing pick ups

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Advice on choosing pickups for my tele build. Want a bit of twang, a classic telecaster sound i guess but tbh i dont know where to begin. Ive given a couple of examples to run your eye over, ive also looked at tex mex which are reasonably priced. What have you got in your telecaster?









I have a DiMarzio Area Hot T in the bridge and a DiMarzio Virtual Vintage Heavy Blues, Strat pickup in the neck. I bought them as P90 soundalikes, but they still sound like a Tele, just fatter.


i've just got the standard Mex ones in my Tele (factory fit)


when I was shopping for pickups years ago for another guitar I used the sample recordings on the manufacturers websites, ended up going for a Seymour Duncan JB which has become my all time favourite guitar pickup (fited in 2 guitars with another in the cupboard just in case i fins something to fit it to)


many of the aftermarket makers have sound clips to help with the decision.


  • Thanks 2

Thanks ive listened to a few online now, think ive decided. 😕?


Ordered a few bits now, control plate gear, pick guard, know which bridge i want.


Neck and tuners im not so sure on at the moment.



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