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Squier Affinity necks

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So, those Squier Affinity Strats with maple boards..... I've seen some with and some without a skunk stripe. Anyone know the alchemy of what to look out for to find one without? 

Context: I'm' looking over the next couple of years as I trip over the bits to put together a Jimi Black Beauty tribute. In all truth, partly because of the novelty of not being limited by trying to find lefty options. I recently discovered some of the 21 fret Affinity Strat necks have no skunk stripe just like a 68, but it seems to be hit and miss. I know I could buy a custom neck that would be perfect for a 68, but the stripeless affinity is a good 80% of the way there, and the intention is to do this as cheaply as possible (part of the fun). The other main compromises I'm happy to make, fwiw, are I'll be sticking with a five-way switch (Jimi used to remove the springs from his three-way switches so he could get the in-between sounds), and while I'd prefer the body to be SSS routed, I'm not entirely wedded to that as a 'must' if the right option comes along... 



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