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  1. I purchased a ZAD900CE OM back in February. Well, my ZAD900CEOM 50th Anniversary edition arrived a week later. I opened the case with anticipation, knowing how online guitar purchases can sometimes be disappointing. But I had high hopes for this one, based on the advertising, articles, and testimonials. Before even taking it out of the case, I strummed across the strings, and wow! Even surrounded by the damping of the case, it sounded incredible! I've owned a Martin HD-35 in the past, and I have to say, in my opinion, this matches or even exceeds that guitar! I've always loved a deeper response, which was why I went for the 35. This guitar not only has that lower response, but it's also a powerhouse! It's absolutely beautiful, and I couldn't be more pleased. The playability is outstanding, and it's easy on my older finger joints. I’m amazed at how slick, smooth, and fast the neck is. Can you tell I’m excited? You need to get this guitar in the hands of some bluegrass pickers! This will be my keeper, my ‘legacy’ guitar.Moreover, the built-in electronics the Aura system delivers a clear, natural amplified sound, making it perfect for both practice and performance. I have received numerous compliments on the guitar's appearance and sound at gigs. It's a candy for the eyes! Thank you so much, Zager, for creating such a wonderful instrument! It has truly enhanced my playing experience.
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