Morning players of the thin stringed thing. I’ve recently been lured into the genre within a genre of the Fender Offset guitar, mainly by YouTuber, Mike Adams also know as Puisheen His style isn’t to everyone’s taste, but he knows his stuff when it comes to offsets and he’s grown on me to the point where I now follow him on YT and Instagram. Couple this with the purchase of a Mustang bass earlier in the year (yeah, sorry, I used the B word) and I’m now interested in trying out (which might lead to acquiring ) a Mustang guitar. I’ve never played a short scale guitar (at least that I know of and certainly not in the last 40 years) and wondered if the GC collective has had any experience with them. Are they really that different, are they comfortable, what’s your opinion of the sound? Regale me with your stories of these quirky, ‘student’ guitars, if you have any stories of course. The sharing of any short scale experiences would also be most welcome. I wait with bated breath.