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Shananigunz last won the day on February 25

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About Shananigunz

  • Birthday December 26

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  1. Thanks for the advice @randythoades. Just opened a bass chat account and will try there
  2. Question. I have a Spector Pulse 2 and want to change the preamp in it from the Tone Pump Jr. I'm torn between EMG BQC and Darkglass Tone capsule. Any opinions or advice? I'm new to changing preamps. The Bass has EMG Active pickups in it which i don't plan on changing, and i don't want to spend more than 200. I like the face these 2 don't require soldering and it's straightforward installation. The only pedal I use is a Fuzz when doing Muse or some Metallica tracks if that makes any difference. Is the DarkGlass worth the extra money over the EMG BQC since i have no Dark Glass products to use with it?
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