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Everything posted by XinDi-WaRRior

  1. Hello I’m Simon, 51 from the Southwest of the Uk and a complete noob with guitars and have a love hate relationship with my guitars. I started practicing in December 23 so just over a year, self taught using Justin Guitar app and have reached the end of Level 1 of the beginners course (3 levels in beginner) I know probably 8 chords and the sticky 3,4s they use a lot for Oasis songs. I am currently learning songs, about 4/5 I am trying to improve on but it’s slow, I enjoy everything about Guitars, their history, watching videos online about how it all started, brands, woods used and the difference in sound all the while knowing every guitar is unique whatever it’s composition. Strumming is my issue, up strums mainly, the sound rubbish to my ear. Ive been playing Mad World, Get Lucky by Daft Punk, Songbird by Oasis, Stand by me and although it’s a bit beyond my level , Wonderwall as it trains my little finger (ouch) I guess I’ve been at this part of my journey for several months now with little movement although I’ve just started to learn One by U2 Ive reverted to mainly downstroke at the moment to try and simplify my learning routine. I also do a couple of basic starter scales, platonic or something it s called lol. Anyway I’ve been looking for fresh inspiration and perhaps some pointers, I have found pointers given to me by Facebook groups utterly complicated and just no help at all. I used to love forums and the slower pace, so fingers crossed. BTW I have bad GAS, perhaps I could get to the stage where I know more songs the guitars I own………Yup I am blessed to own two electrics and erm…..many acoustics which range from a project 1940s German parlour through to a 2023 Taylor…….. look forward to being part of the community I have questions galore Simon aka XinDi (had the online name since music sharing groups back in the early 2000s and it’s stuck )
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