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Adders60 last won the day on January 2

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About Adders60

  • Birthday 27/05/1960

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Total Plectrums

  1. My rig Epi Les Paul 2024 Standard Marshall Origin 20H Marshall OR 212 cab Pedals in front Tuner- Boss SD-1 - MXR Carbon Copy Amp set on edge of breakup with drive pedal for crunch sounds
  2. Adders60


    Are you sitting really close to your amp perhaps ? What about any pedals in use before the amp such as drive pedals ? Does it only do it on the single coil pickups ?
  3. Just seen the new low cost Standard Series Fender range circa £450 -£500 each Not sure they needed them as the Player II series is decent and in the market
  4. Update * New Origin Rig
  5. Decided to get the Marshall Origin 20 head and matching 212A cab Very impressed as a pedal platform amp Using a Boss SD-1 in front results in great 70’s AC / DC tones at lower volumes for home use
  6. Yes they match perfectly The guitar plays very well, one of the best set up out of the box guitars I’ve ever purchased Action is around 1.5mm which is impressive I think for a factory setup Intonation spot on too
  7. Decided to get the Epi Les Paul 60’s Standard in Bourbon Burst I had looked at PRS but decided this is what I wanted. Out of the box the quality, setup was spot on and amazing for a £500 guitar. Sounds excellent and pickups are very good and sounds great clean and overdriven They have definitely improved since I owned an Epi Les Paul Plus Top Pro about 10 years ago this is as close to Gibson quality you can get without the price tag ! Awesome guitar
  8. The Laney was ok but it didn’t have the warm tones and it felt cheaply made Much happier with the Marshall rig
  9. It’s a pedal with Input and Output plus send and return. As mentioned guitars into input and output to amplifier Send and Return on pedal can be left unconnected
  10. Ordered a pair of matched JJ EL34 tubes and swopped out the Marshall stock EL34 ( will keep as spares ) Replaced V1 and V2 with JJ ECC83S Pleasing results as it sounds warmer, fuller and less harsh at high gain which the better JJ tubes seem to be helping A nice easy upgrade
  11. The DSL20 still sounds good at low volume ( better than many solid state in my opinion ) The channel volume allows low volume play at home unlike some valve amps that don’t have a master volume and you really need to crank them for a decent tone. If you only plan to play at home then a 0.5 or 1w amp is plenty but if you want one amp that allows home and small gigs in a band then a 10w /20w valve amp does the job well
  12. The DSL20 is EL34 paired and I would say it’s more 80’s to modern day rock I have the DSL20HR and it’s a great amp and can run at home at 10w It will sound much better cranked of course when it really shines The Origin 20 head is better for 60’s 70’s rock and with a drive pedal in front would cover most ground. I had the Origin 50 head in my old band and it was a lovely sound. For home I think the DSL20 is a good choice as it can still gig or jam or play at home Boss Katana is a good choice too but I still prefer valves I briefly tried the Laney Lionheart Foundry 60 but it was poorly built and sounded boxy and average The current production DSL20 is a great small amp. Can be bright sounding but back off the presence and treble and it sounds great. I use a Standard Strat with single coils and play clean and rock
  13. Yep it was so heavy and I didn’t like the channel switching on it The two channel DSL20 is a great head and the better SC112 cab, plywood construction and V type Celestion speaker make a neat lightweight rig Sounds lovely
  14. Now we’re talking !
  15. With the master volume and set on 20w you can play this quietly ( tv volume ) so perfect for home and jams etc if required
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