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Subhojeet Majumdar

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  1. Thank you all.
  2. I am not somebody who likes rock mysic. I am an Indian. I like bollywood style music. Or may be some Bob Dylan songs, some Joan Baez songs.
  3. Hello I wanted to get started on guitar and had few questions if you can help me 1) As a beginner which Guitar should I opt for? Can you recommend me any brand? Copper string v/s Nylon string? 2) I went to one music school. The music instructor told me that he would be teaching on electric guitar at school so that people can use headphones and there is less disturbance when six people are playing different things in a class in the same time. But at home I can practice using acoustic guitar. Will that be a problem for a beginner? Any guidance in this matter would be helpful. Regards, Subhojeet
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