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James Davies 1155

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James Davies 1155 last won the day on October 17 2024

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About James Davies 1155

  • Birthday 01/01/1955

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  1. Thanks so much Guys! Yeah, I've been pressurising myself to Learn and Play stuff too quickly! But now I realise I need a Structured learning curve! I can "just" about scrape through House of the Rising Sun, meaning every now n then I make it without fluffing the Chords up...too much! After ten minutes or so practicing Scales, I've been told to practice stuff in bite size pieces which I must say seems to be working!So, at the moment I'm trying to play "Don't Cry"by Guns n Roses and my Chord changes are, well let's say not quick enough....yet! I do so enjoy the Journey so far and the ten months I'm in thus far excites me very much! My finger tips are finally hard enough to allow me to practice around an hour Every Day! I appreciate you Guys nursing me, but there isn't any way I'm going to Stop what I Started and learn how to play this Acoustic Guitar.! I hope when I check back here in a few months, I hope I will realise how far I've managed to get with all the Advice and Pointers I've had! Keep it coming Guys!
  2. Hi, Yes I did mean 2024! can I ask you if I'm trying to run before I can walk? As a beginner I practice every day and thought I was doing at least average! but when a friend asked me if I knew the names of every note, on every string, on every Fret! My brain hurts but I see his point, Of course I know all notes repeat after the Twelth Fret and can name a particular note on a particular string, at a particular fret...if you can wait the ten mins it takes me to work it out! It's starting to affect my practising...Help!
  3. I practice every day and have done since I bought a Guitar ( Ten months now! ) but....although I try to learn everything a novice needs to know, there just seems no end to what I should learn,Scales, Chords, Progressions etc and on it goes! At present and with my limited knowledge, I think perhaps I am trying to run before I can walk! The reason I mention this is because I'm now advised to study and know every note on every string on every fret! What I'm practising at the minute, said Chords etc, I'm worried it's beginning to get too much! My memory isn't great (I'm 69!) and thought I was progressing slowly but surely, now I'm starting to panic! I will never stop trying to play the Guitar properly! but I need help, HELP!!
  4. correct!
  5. You are right of course! you noticed it, I didn't thanks
  6. Thanks Dad3353 for replying to my questions! Does that help you say? Help? you have opened my eyes and helped me see a lot more than I hoped! I realise of course, that my Chord Progressions "should" improve with time and Practice, you've made me see that I am trying perhaps to change Chords too quickly?, that explains why my fingers end up in a Reef Knot! I have decided to practice more slowly, deliberately, and therefore more accurately untill I can change chords as easily as from EM to Am! You have given me plenty to think about and learn about Intervals, I realise that understanding them is a great skill for a Guitar player to posses, and the explanation you provided is Food for Thought for me and I intend to devote a bit more time to study Intervals, which are I believe, a vital aspect for a Guitar player or any Musician to understand. Thank you
  7. Sheesh, I wish I could play a quarter of how you play!
  8. I've first picked a Guitar up on Jan 1st 2004, Got a few Chords under my belt, practice Scales etc but, my biggest Stumbling Block is.....Progressions! I am changing Chords quicker now than when I started but can't play much of anything cos I can't change quick enough and I get really frustrated! Dont Panic I hear you cry, it'll come, but after eight months,and I practice every day I seem as if I'm not making progress! Just one more thing, I sort of get Intervals, but can someone explain to me what exactly is going on?
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