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Everything posted by madaxeamps

  1. VOX basket weave tolex and Fender Oxblood speaker grill fabric. MA-DTC15 will be a dual channel beast. 15W output, but switchable for 7W and 1.5W. Separate gain and master on each channel Footswitch socket for channel selection (with panel toggle switch included) Separate bass-mid-treble on both channels Resonance & presence on the output stage. 10" Jensen alnico speaker See madaxeamps.co.uk or contact me on [email protected]
  2. Apparently, there is something wrong with the email server setup. Any requests best to post here until further notice.
  3. Fancy a custom design amplifier? Try https://madaxeamps.co.uk/ Open to requests. Contact [email protected]
  4. Green Cathedral arrived recently. Serial #10 signed by Chris Naughton of Winterfylleth. A very quick demo. Clean run through the Mad Axe MA-SEC5. Medium mix and dwell settings. Incredibly rich reverb from a pedal that as I understand from Jim @Technavolt is digital/analogue. The subtle modulation added to the reverb adds an extra dimension to the size of the sound. Will be interesting to run my POG2 through it. Green Catheral 1.m4a
  5. Apologies, the title should spell technavolt
  6. 'Accidentally' pre-ordered one earlier in August. https://www.technavolt.co.uk/greencathedral Will post up a review and sound demo through a Mad Axe Amp once it arrives!
  7. Hi all, I'm new to this forum and still finding my way. Quick summary - into this year, I started building valve amps for myself and friends. Absolutely love valve amps (frankly, I don't think you can beat 'em) but have always shuddered at the price of some of them, particularly when you start looking at some of the more 'boutique' brands and styles. So I wondered, 'what about if I build my own to my spec?'. Having messed about with electronics since about 14 years old, and having my grandad's mechanic skills, it seemed plausible to build my own. It all started by re-conditioning a valve amp built back in the 60's by my dad's cousin. This was actually a cannabalised tape-deck. Only 3-5W output, but insanely has 4 valves (EF86, ECC81, ECC83 and the grotesque ECL86 triode-pentode for the output stage). Surely better can be achieved? So, I coined 'MadAxeAmps' and built myself a single-ended 20W combo ('MA-SEC20') having just one ECC83 pre-amp and 6L6 class A beam-tetrode output stage. This has a decent clean headroom and can be driven well with a variety of effects up front. Not long after that, the MA-TT15 came to be for a mate - basically a re-vamp of the Orange Tiny Terror 15W (EL84 push-pull output), except with some tweaks to the circuit components and my own custom wooden case design. This can be heard/seen in action here: https://youtu.be/pZMmOO8g67k behind Geordie, lead vocals & guitar in KnifeCrime (https://linktr.ee/knifecrime). Shameless couple of plugs Latest build is a 0.5-5W smaller practice combo using a 6V6 single-ended output ('MA-SEC5'). I incorporated a variable power supply into this for the output stage that allows decent overdrive but at 'home volume' levels. New plans are afoot for something a little more boutique with built in reverb tank, incorporating switchable 7/15W output (like the MA-TT15) with old-skool Fender grill and VOX tolex. I not doing this make make money but for the love of it and to know that someone is getting their sound out the way they want it. Basically, we're talking cost prices, so £250-490 for the above options. Anyone interested?
  8. Thanks @Dad3353 and @ezbass - this forum is looking slick.
  9. Hi folks, I'm an amateur guitarist based in the north west (near Manchester) and looking to talk valve amps and if anyone needs a hand in this. I'm a keen electronics hobbyist and have started building valve amplifiers for myself and a couple of friends. Looking to reach out to others to see if anyone wants a custom built amp for a solid price. My approach is to use established concepts, but tweak them into a custom design spec that fits requirement and keeps it cost effective for the buyer. We're not talking profit, but more the love of doing it! Working up http://blittenstuff.co.uk/MadAxeAmps/ which showcases my recent projects.
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