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Everything posted by jdom84

  1. Yes there is a huge difference because I can get the tone I want before I record anything and I do not need a laptop, audio interface..etc.
  2. Another thing which I said in the OP which I don't think you are understanding. I want to be able to do this outside of my computer because I would like to be able to practice over headphones with the amp sound. Before even recording...
  3. Yeah as I said in my original post, sorry if its not clear: I really wanted something I can get the sound right before going into a recording device, ideally analogue and with a headphone output. There is very limited options but I have found a few: An amp simulator pedal with headphone output (hardly any on the market) A DI pedal with amp simulator output "cab sim" (again not many on market and overpriced for what they are) A headphone amp (I have tried two and they sounds absolutely horrible) I am an experienced sound engineer and I know how to record into a daw with an audio interface then apply a VST amp simulator, this is not what I am asking about. As I linked in the OP there are some things that come close but they are either for bass guitar, too expensive for what it does or do not have a headphone output. This is the closest thing I have found to give you an idea: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/285882496570?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=NO6ZliCJSJG&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=LAm49tKmQPe&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I understand that I can just plug headphones into a pedal but it will be in mono and its not the right impedance this is why you are getting a bad signal. I hope this clears things up.
  4. Hi I wanted the flexibility of having a headphone / line out to record into anything, portable recorder/audio interface...etc. yes I know it will be digital once recorded but I wanted it to be analog as possible before recording to capture a more organic sound. I guess I could just do this. But also wanted to have hands on control of my tone while playing before going digital... I know I'm being difficult lol.. the product I want doesn't really exist. I guess the closest is a headphone amp. All the ones I've tried suck though.
  5. I have been looking for days for a simple cheap solution to record my guitar directly into a recorder,computer. I don't want a mic or amp I don't have space here and I already have a mic and amp bit they are in storage. I cannot easily get to them. Ideally it would be a pedal with earphone/line output to plug directly into a line input and not need a mixer and Di box (again i already have those bit no access). I was checking out the LEKATO Guitar Pedal With IR https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/365012139343 It seems to tick all the boxes then some. The problem for me is I'm scared of digital cheap Chinese stuff I would like it all to be as analogue as possible. Just have a feeling it's gonna sound bad. I wouldn't be using the distortion as I have this in analog pedal form and digital distortion sucks. Otherwise there is a Di pedal with cab SIM, most of them seem hugely over priced and also don't have headphones/line out only xlr DI which would require a mixer. Such as this mooer micro series DI (seen branded under different names for £16 but would be posted from abroad and take ages to arrive). https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/155081515896 I have also seen a joyo pedal which has a headphone output and it's some kinda amplifier modeller but for bass... I also am not sure if the terminology is correct I want it to sound like it's coming out of a speaker so seeking a cab sim ideally. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/335508382542 Anyway I'm kinda losing my mind trawling through Google, eBay, Alibaba and Amazon... Also the terminology is vague one thing is an amp simulator another is an amp modeller or cab SIM... I know I could get a cheap audio interface and just record in with it's Di function then add amp simulation afterwards.. just kinda wanted an outboard pedal or effect preferably analogue.. I might have to bite the bullet and just go for an IR pedal. Ideally I could get the sound I want with pedals and record into whatever I like not being restricted to a DI/xlr. You think for a short term fix that Lekato thing will be ok? If I don't drive the amp simulator. I just want it to sound a bit like it's coming out of an amp without an amp. Anyway any suggestions would be great. Oh and I realise there are those headphone amps. I got one and sounded crap so would want a decent one. I also don't want it to add any distortion just to simulate the cab feel. Thanks if anyone can suggest something. Otherwise I'll have a amp modeller pedal going into a Di box with cab SIM then going into an audio interface just seems over the top and expensive! Thanks
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