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  1. Alright all? First post here, but thought I would add some info in relation to Chad Underwood guitars. Just bought a T-model in an auction. Couldn't find much online before I bid, apart from a couple of vids and the knowledge that Walter Becker, John Fogerty and even Paul Reed Smith play them. Almost all reviews I read said he was an incredibly underrated and unknown luthier, but the common theme was a boutique builder that was a level above. Convinced! It arrived yesterday and it is jaw dropping. It is light as a feather, but the sustain is off the charts. It just rings. Like hitting a piano note. Unplugged, its as clear as a bell and just hums beautifully. Not sure what the pups are, but I did read he winds his own, and underwinds them for that vintage feel. The range is incredible. Spanky on the bridge through to smooth, glassy clarity in the middle, to a mellow jazzy tone on the neck. It snarls with overdrive too. Neck is a D shape near the headstock and it thins down to a C shape further up the neck. Anyway. I am bowled over, and wanted to share some first hand info with the commune! Added some pics below.
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