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The Twickerman

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Everything posted by The Twickerman

  1. Hi folks, I need to order a few sets of strings for my Guild F 1512E. They are set up in the factory for D'Addario EXP38 - Coated Phosphor Bronze strings, "light gauge" (10,10,14,14,23,8,30,12,39,18,47,27). However, I need to play in a different tuning:- The low pair E are dropped to D. The A pair are dropped to G. The D high string only is dropped to A. The G high string is dropped to E. I find that the high D dropped to A is very floppy and I am wondering if a heavier gauge would be noticeably better - and if doing that, would the High G also benefit from going a bit heavier. Anyone got any advice? Thanks!
  2. This description. is bang on - thanks Douglas. However, I will continue to use stereo leads for my double-necks. The guitar and bass are routed through separate effects and amp mods. - Nick.
  3. Hi all, I use stereo cables for my guitars without problems - but if I try to use one for my acoustic guitar (which has a piezo pickup) I get no sound. Does anyone know why? How are acoustic guitar preamps typically wired to the socket? I'd have thought it was oblivious to the presence of a ring connection. Thanks, - Nick.
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