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Everything posted by Ben93

  1. The main riff of Transylvania by iron maiden for some reason is giving me some sort of guitar block I just can’t do it. Anyone who can play this what rythym do you use like down up etc and what would you say is closest to being correct timing wise. For example the first bit on the d string I’m using the dashes as like a pause 2-222-2-5-4 or would you play more like 2-2222-5-4 whatever I try it just seems not to sound like the song however when I play it on my bass and do the baseline it sounds fine which is confusing. Any pointers on nailing this song would be handy
  2. Hello I live in a semi detached house and have ok neighbour but obviously don’t want to annoy them. im looking at the Marshall mg15gfx and the mg30gfx I play a mix of genres, some black sabbath, green day, sum41, dire straits, the kooks and so on but unsure whether to go for the 30w or the 15w as unsure if I can get the rock sound on the 30w without blowing out neighbours ears however it would be nice to have it there if it can be played with distortion quiet ish as I know it has distortion settings and have the extra 15w available when I practice with mates on the odd occasion etc at he’s insulted outbuilding where the noise isnt as much a concern. Thanks for your input
  3. What would I be aiming to boost or cut out with that wa pedal I wouldn’t know where to start with settings, the humbucker is bridge position on mine and have 2 single pickups one mid and one by neck. have ordered that pedal but wouldn’t know where to start.
  4. Hello I’m unsure if it’s technique or mainly a rubbish amp for the time being but basically I’ve played acoustic on and off for a while now and got an electric at Xmas and have been playing green day, nirvana, dire straits, etc sun 41 but on some of the more punk rock type songs like sum 41 etc I can palm mute on acoustic and stuff and electric but I can’t seem to get that aggressive sort of downstroke only chug used on likes of blink 182 sum 41 etc, it’s definitely palm muted and can go from being quite open nearly to very muted to in the middle. But I can’t seem to get the sound I want, now I have a Yamaha pacifica 012 and only at the moment have a gear 4 music 15w all and also have a behringer heavy metal pedal which helps when playing something like holiday by green day with the distortion but doesn’t still give me that nice heavy chug sound on the fast palm mute downstrums on other songs, what sort of low/bass mids and high settings would you be aiming for and what sort of pedals could help me out better with that sound an amp is on the cards in future im currently saving but even a pedal for time being to help with sound or on hints and tips on techniques, Kind regards
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