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tele-strat owner

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tele-strat owner last won the day on January 21 2024

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About tele-strat owner

  • Birthday 20/05/1970

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  1. Nice I am not much on the reds, but I like the dual tones here
  2. I started Guitar at 54 years of age in Oct. or Nov. 2023, I got a first act given to me the ME952 (blue apple strat style) as far as I can get it traced. Then I assembled Swamp Thing (bexgears tele kit) I am mainly scales/spidering. But over the last 2-3 practice runs I found myself actually playing few easy bars/lines of music. But as soon as I hear some one else around back to scales and spidering IDK it is like my ZEN or if one prefers Matthew 6 when thou prays do so in secret and be rewarded openly. As I stated I do not know when I am on the guitar alone it is almost Zen, Religious, Spiritual when others arrive it is kinda back in the shell sort of thing. Anyone Else?
  3. Welcome
  4. Welcome
  5. Welcome, and actually yes more so tips of where strings hit done it twice 1) Cheap strings that came with Guitar and a Diamond string I purchased. I do not know your set up or what you are using. Now I have some with my diabetes that is a different kind of pain that I manage
  6. In the world of electrics, my opinion & my gathering wood/solid has no placement, pickups are doing the work. So tone not so much however weight, is a different story. I know not much help
  7. E-Bay eh ur um ya said it all with just E-bay-Auction- Like you a bad taste was left, I avoid the auctions
  8. Strap/Picks chord buddy, OK useable Strap and Picks, That Chord Buddy as seen on shark tank, as seen on TV, as seen on you tube, do yourselves a favor don`t just do not. 1) If ya finally get it to fit properly, without silencing other strings or the strings on the same chord being played 2) constant readjustment of chord buddy so that it does not do this. I am talking between chords in the same bar/song or chorus. 3) If it is not being adjusted then your putting it back on.
  9. IF I DOODIT I GIT THE WHUPPIN........I DOODODIT Well now the search continues, hahahahahahahahahah <waves hand these are not the STRATS your looking for> hahahahahahahahahahah oooooh man I am in trrouble
  10. Home Practice amp, Blackstar fly 103, or anything 10w and under NOW that is home practice amp, There is even a plug n play style it is the amp, speaker plugs into jack about the size of an altoids tin I guess, Viable for home practice not that one could not use at a small gathering say 10-15 people and still perform well. Keeping in mind practice amp.
  11. Acoustic VS Electric I am the new guy, fresh meat, noob, cherry and know not enough yet. Being said I believe comparing the two electric vs acoustic, there is NO UNBIASED comparison. inefficiencies in both, yet both have strengths. It is almost like asking beef steak tomato or deep fried dill pickle, yes please both are good.
  12. Dang it man, your right at PRICE POINT for what it is and does for a home Guitarist, in my searches I have seen worse, at higher prices. I copied, it warrants further investigation
  13. It is ok, I found out sometime after post they (Khoneim) is a Korean made, I am not saying they are best by no means, they do work better than some and nothing
  14. found it today after post of course, a Korean Company, eh I like em enough might stick with a while
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