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About Matt_gtr76

  • Birthday 30/11/1975

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  1. Over the years (a few decades now) of playing guitar, I've bought and sold so much gear. There are 4 pieces I regret sellling and one of them I really miss still. Mesa Boogie Mkiv Rev B, as a 19ish year old metal player this was my most expensive purchase but was a true beast. Mesa Boogie Dual Rec, not sure which revision, I bought it off the UK Marshall rep at the time from his car boot for 700 quid. This was just before Marshall did the DSL/TSL Boss CE-2, best chorus ever for me. Got it for 30 quid. I love BOSS pedals through and through. Yes, there are some great pedal brands out there but BOSS just do it for me Ibanez S540 LTD DAB, man I miss this guitar. This is the one I regret the most. The neck was beautiful, the contoured body was awesome. I swapped the pups out for EMGs, 85/Alnico/85. Sounded brutal through the Mkiv and a couple of 1960b cabs. No boosts needed here. As it is now, I have a Mkiv Rev A, a tatty 1960b, i'll get a CE-2W. However, the S540 is the hardest thing to replace. If anyone knows who has it (southwest UK based i guess) I'd love to see it again lol.
  2. here is the current board with some diys and some stock pedals. More diys kicking about and more Boss to add on a new board for part of my rebuilding the rig of my youth
  3. Thanks! I have this as well which i use for gigging
  4. Evening all Didn't even realise there was a GuitarChat forum, thought i'd only signed up to the bass chat forum Anyway, been playing for a while, influenced by lots of bands. gone through a lot of gear, currently playing Kemper and Mesa plus a few other odds'n'sods. Got the usual suspects in the way of guitar brands, Gibson, Fender and Ibanez.
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