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  1. i used one continuous oak board (easy cuts) to make this: lots of sanding, some stain, etc. I used the scraps to create supports for the bottom side (given the stomping): i used a 1 3/8" hole saw to cut an opening for wires. i then took that plug and split it in half to make posts, to wrap the excess wire: on the underside, i used wire ties, tacked into the wood, to secure the power lines: in the far corner above, you can see i velcroed the transformer onto the underside. then, velcro on the top, and on the pedals, and a $6 leather handle: then, rubber feet on the bottom, and wire it all together. PS this is not representative of my pedal setup, this is just for testing! i'll post the actual rig soon. it's made it through 6 gigs. hopefully more to come (we have about a dozen lined up!). what i'd change- it doesnt stand on it's side, probably because of how heavy pedals are. to put a stand plate on one side would mess with the aesthetic. what i'm thinking of adding- maybe a shoulder strap so i can make one trip from the car to the studio. i can send plans if anyone wants.
  2. there's simply no one that i know of that is making good, quality, original, (arguably) independent music these days. with hooks, that is. he's incredible. he's the modern day hendrix. and he's got over 20 albums, usually every year or so. he did 50 song record for his 50th birthday. still tours on a bus. he also records albums by himself- piano, drums, bass, vocals, etc. oh yeh and he has the best voice in rock. i've seen him both as RK and also recently with the Winery Dogs. it's really a shame that people associate him with one band he was in 30 years ago. and he arguably did their best album. genres are too distinct. also a shame that everyone compares him with chris cornell when they really just are not that alike. it's constant. also his work with adrian smith is pretty good too. his wife is a famous brazilian bassist and she plays with him too. lastly, this may be the best- i mean best- live show ive ever watched. it's perfect (yes, im sure it's edited). i watch it sometimes daily. it's that good.
  3. kotzen, SRV, EVH. honorable mention to sambora. over to a different genre- tommy emmanuel (who i may get to see this fall). joe pass too.
  4. thanks guys this is great! just to get a nice welcome. ill see you out there. i just got some new gear and built a few things i want to share.
  5. thanks! looking forward to it.
  6. Hi all! I've read a bit on and off for a while but didnt post because i put the guitar down for about 20 years. Now, i'm back. I'm playing daily, I recently cut all my hair off, and gave up on writing originals. So i decided it was time to join. I'm hoping to give more than get, and already have a few ideas i can share. I'm guessing i'm pretty common around here. I'm a gigging amateur, your usual weekend warrior with a day job, playing the usual classic rock covers, losing hair / gaining weight, usually off pitch, and rarely in tune. Will take a solo if given an opportunity, or, even if not given an opportunity. Looking forward to meeting you all! https://www.instagram.com/myskeletoncrew/?hl=en
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