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Bob Strummer

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Total Plectrums

  1. Thank you @FrankAtari and you are welcome. Hope you enjoy your Strat and don't worry if you're forever raising & lowering saddles & adjusting the relief every time the weather changes - everyone does @Skinnyman.. I cured the lure of the Les Paul boat anchor since I baby-sat one for a friend when they went on holiday. I'm too lazy to be hoisting those things around
  2. Can't fault its looks. Lovely colour and the neck looks tinted/roasted. Very nice. And for the money you can't get vexed can you.
  3. Hi (first post), I've been a Strat fanatic for years and my guitar collection was entirely Fender Strats with a Tele and a Jazz Bass. Out of an itch for a 24" scale guitar, I bought a MIM Duo Sonic this year. The short scale took some getting used to initially but the weight of the thing makes me smile every time I pick it up. It has a thinner body (they used to be classed as student guitars) and the difference in weight that makes is a blessing for me. I've read people saying they're like toys but I can't agree with that. I don't get that eventual dull neck ache with it and that's a big bonus. It gets picked out of the rack more often than any other guitar these days.
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