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Axe2Grind last won the day on September 26 2022

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  1. The front end of your pedalboard is your fingers then
  2. Here's my pedalboard, very sparse
  3. I get to jam online on a couple of other guitar forums. I do have a guitarist buddy that I jam with but its more me giving him pointers rather than jamming. I am a member of another forum guitarforum.com where there is a Jam section on the forum where fellow forumers upload a backing track for players to jam on and post their efforts, at the moment there is a focus on beginners and encouraging them to join in jamming. Another forum I am on (the Fractal Audio forum) I have a couple of buddies (one lives in London near me and the other in Memphis USA) we pick a backing track to jam over, slice it up into 3 time slots and allocate to each player and then we each lay down our solos in our allotted slot and its a lot of fun. No reason why something like that can't happen here if there were people up for it. Also, guitar is my secondary instrument, my main instrument is keyboards and I sometimes jam soloing on keyboard as well on other forums which is accepted by other guitarists lucky and I'm not booed off the pitch lol.
  4. My very top 3 fav and most influential are: 1. George Lynch 2. Edward Van Halen 3. Joe Satriani
  5. Very tricky Satch piece this but you did a great job with it bro, love it.
  6. Really good work on a pretty tricky solo. I would add one suggestion and that is to keep your thumb always behind the neck as this will support your fingers for when you string bend and adding vibrato to your notes. Keep up the good work sir!!!
  7. Indeed, great work on this Woody !!!
  8. Love the tapping and legato work on your vid. I'm a big fan of stuff like that
  9. Nice, I'm new here too and like you, well into rock and metal too along with fusion. Used to have a bunch of Ibanez SA guitars but these days its a Gibson Les Paul and G&L Strat that covers everything I do now.
  10. Me too! and I poke my nose in everywhere !
  11. Thanks mate, seems a little quiet but I will certainly be active
  12. If Chordify is no good, I do have a little self contained program on Windows called Riffstation that works out chords from an audio file and would be happy to give you a copy of that.
  13. Thanks mate
  14. Haha, Holiday Music did indeed move to an industrial estate in Essex, Purdey Way Industrial Estate, just down the road from me, they are better known as Strings Direct but owned by Holiday Music. Very handy for me and they have a cracking guitar tech Chris who is fantastic. I'm lucky as we still have PMT local to me where I live so not short of shops to go to, although Strings Direct is more online but you can still go there if you wish to pick up strings and accessories. I do all my shopping online anyway so not bothered if music shops go the way of the dodo at some point, they are usually full of guitarists with no money to spend and just get off on showcasing their lack of abilities lol. Sorry, that's my keyboardist side coming out.
  15. Nice !!! I love the Dark Theme
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