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About Rustypeb

  • Birthday 01/04/1989

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Total Plectrums

  1. Thanks for your help am all sorted now instead of waiting to set my Mac up I downloaded audacity and it worked perfectly, so went back to ableton and looked at the settings for the input and thought the only setting I hadn’t tried was the driver type so changed that and now works fine thanks for your suggestions.
  2. Thanks anyway do have my Mac back just need to make space for it then will set it up tho this isn’t a new Mac tho has had extra ram installed and has been updated as much as it can be for its age since I had it last but it did used to run all my music stuff fine on it, am guessing try GarageBand to rule out if it’s the software or not?
  3. Just tried straight in to the interface and sounds the same still like I’m playing a note twice when am only playing it once, only got the headphones the other day as hoping listening to it through the headphones at the interface would help but unfortunately not. The interface is a gen one and was probably brought around 2012 if not before so starting to think it’s a problem with the interface more then anything at the moment?
  4. Haven’t tried that honestly thought I would have to go through the amp but have a amp effect built in to the software so will try that. Guess if it works I could still go through my pedal board but just have the out in to the interface but will test with out the pedal board first. Did also try a recording and the recording sounded fine apart from a bit off noise from somewhere tho hard to play with it sound how it is now. Thanks and will let you know how going straight in to the interface works.
  5. Hi, Will start saying am currently using ableton live 9 suite on a pc (which is getting changed to a mac when I get my old one back later today) and through a first gen focusrite scarlett 2i2 (latest drivers checked and installed) connected to the out on my old marshal MG 30DFX connected straight to my epiphone les Paul standard. So have been trying to record some of my guitar in to my computer to make parts for songs or even to just play along to a drum track I have made but getting really frustrated as every time I play just one note out of the computer it plays then has a louder sounding repeat about half a second later like there is some sort off delay on it which there isn’t. So am wondering if anyone has any suggestions to why this is happening and how to stop it from happening? Any help would be great will try and attach a quick video showing what I mean by the sound and a photo of the front of my 2i2 and amp incase I have a setting wrong, also it plays the same through headphones plugged in to the 2i2 and when recorded so can’t record anything at the moment. Thanks IMG_4403.MOV
  6. Thanks mate will keep that in mind
  7. Thanks that all makes sense will try and keep it like the first pic but not worry too much if I switch to the second pic way with out realising. thanks
  8. Hi all, So have recently started getting back in to playing/learning to play the guitar again after a fairly long break, did have lessons for a few years in my early teens. Am currently using fender play to learn from and really enjoying it, I am hoping to get proper 1 on 1 lessons at some point but can’t afford them at the moment and not currently having a driving license whilst living in a small village doesn’t help. But my main question for now is there a proper way to hold a plectrum on fender play they say inbertween the thumb and first finger (first pic) which I can do but seem to always go back to holding it between my thumb and first and second finger (second pic) which I think was how I was taught whilst I was younger. Or does it even matter that much I have a tendency to take things that don’t matter and over think them and then end up anxious about it and at some times the anxiety will stop me from doing what I wanted in the first place. So really trying to just work out if there’s a right way and if so what way it is so I can put it behind me and move on and continue in enjoying learning the guitar, I know it might all sound stupid but unfortunately it is one way my anxiety effects me and what I can do day by day. Thanks ps excuse the pj’s lol
  9. Just to say thanks there was one washer on the inside so have removed that and put it somewhere safe and after putting it back together have plenty off clearance on the knob. thanks
  10. Ah fair lol well was built back in 2003 I believe which works out to be when I was having my lessons when back in my early teens feeling old now. Haha does just a bit but thanks thought it could be raised slightly but didn’t want to just start trying to get it off and breaking anything. Thanks tho will probably remove it from the back and take a washer from the inside off and try it that way as would prefer not to have too put a screwdriver to the front and probably put a big scratch in the paint work knowing me lol. Thanks for you help.
  11. Thanks honestly I had no clue except it was a Epiphone les Paul, got it as a present when I was 13 or 14 I think, from my parents who don’t know anything about it except they think it was brought new which would line up with when it was made. Don’t they normally come with Grovers on them then? Anyway for my standard of playing at the moment I can’t fault it except the treble volume knob is rubbing against the body making it hard to turn quickly whilst playing but apart from that am really enjoying beginning to play again. Thanks
  12. Hi all, have recently started to learn guitar again after a gap off a few years tho did have lessons for a couple off years when I was in my early teens. So have dug my old amp and guitar out and got it set back up and am surprised on how much has come back to me tho still trying to learn from the beginning again to get rid off any bad habits I have. But mainly wondering what model of epiphone les Paul I have am guessing a standard but can’t seem to find any with the same paint job as it has from the serial number I have worked out it was built in March 2003 in Korea but that’s about it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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