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Everything posted by Jag

  1. I'm still undecided but it will be either the Ibanez RG370AHMZ with the Ibanez Quantum pickups or for an additional £100ish considering a couple of Ibanez guitars with DiMarzio pickups. But the urgency has subsided for the moment as I have just bought a Tele copy on impulse. It was reduced and just too good to miss. Yes, I know its a completely different type of guitar, but a Tele was something I planned on getting sometime in the future anyway. For a £130 guitar it sounds really good, build quality and finish is good and it has an ash body.
  2. Thanks for that, I'll look into those, are there any particular makes of guitar that have these you'd recommend?
  3. Hi all, I am very tempted by an Ibanez with the Edge Zero II trem. Does anyone have one, what do you think of it? Are they reliable, robust and reasonably easy to setup and tune?
  4. Unfortunately turning the volume down doesn't make any difference, that was my first thought too. I've started to plug a headphone jack in before switching it off. You're probably right it won't cause any problems but it's very loud and sounds like something has blown!
  5. Hi all, just bought a new Fender Champion 20 Amp, it makes a loud pop noise every time it is switched off. My Marshall amp does not do this. I googled the issue and it seems to be a common issue with a lot of amps. Should I be concerned and is it common with this model ie if I had it replaced will the replacement have the same issue? Cheers.
  6. Good point re decent amp, I've ordered a Fender Champion. I'll look into a new guitar now.
  7. I too do this every time, tv, soundbar, car, laptop etc. I think I'll stick to the original plan, high end of budget to lower end of premium. I know its all relative but the amp is probably OK for me.... at the moment.
  8. I was afraid of this, it might snowball into something more than just a new moderately priced guitar!
  9. Hi all, I find it all too easy when looking for a new guitar to start with the intention of getting a decent budget one and gradually ending up considering moderately higher end models. I then find myself wondering it is worth the additional expense when it will be used with an average amp like a Marshall MG15CF. So I suppose the question is will a guitar with expensive branded pickups and better hardware be apparent when played on an 'average' amp? If so, how and to what extent.
  10. Hi folks, I'm seriously thinking about buying an Ibanez rg370ahmz or rg421ahm. Any opinions on the Edge Zero II bridge? Also, is the Maple fretboard finished, ie will it get noticeably grubby over time? Thanks.
  11. Learning from the end? That's a good tip and makes sense, I'll give it a go, thanks
  12. That was a quick response, cheers!
  13. Hi all, always fancied learning to play guitar, and in need of a new hobby it seemed like an ideal time to start. I bought my first guitar last year, a Fender accustic electro, followed by a Squire 50s vibe and a semi hollow. Im really enjoying learning and would like to occasionally tap into your expertise and knowledge.
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