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Total Plectrums

  1. The guitar looks very good, but it is not as flawless as a Fender though. I have found out that even the colour scheme is a replica from Fender.
  2. Sorry Pal but I can't offer any useful insight about how the neck feels. This is my second electric guitar as I used to play the classical guitar. I have never seen a real Strat in my life. I'd say it's fine to my taste, but it is kind of skinny. I can measure the neck for you if you like.
  3. It is a very good instrument and I bought one of the basic models for 120 pounds (or something like that). Hardware could be better and the electronics need replacing. I wrote a quick review about my experience and you may want to take a look at it.
  4. Hi Bob, welcome to the forum and tanks for honoring me with your first post. I have actually bought the Harley Benton ST 62 and it is 3.05 exactly (at least mine). This weight is good enough for me compared to what I was used to, but it made me realise even more how the weight of an instrument may affect playability. For the time being I'm happy with my Strat, which I love as you love yours, but at the same time I kind of set my heart on something even lighter, eg Fender Acoustasonic? Or something like that.
  5. Actually I also am interested in a more resonant / semi hollow guitar, but I do not need any smaller scale. I like fender acoustasonic, but it's expensive and it neither one thing nor the other. Let me know if you find something interesting.
  6. Hi David, I hope this message finds you well. Listen to this video and think it over. I admire Mike Stern very much for he is as humble as he is a terrific player. I can't tell you exactly what to do because you know your situation better than anybody else, but my advise is to develop your own playing technique with the tools you have (well, read fingers). You can still play rhythm guitar like a god and be second to none. You can also play solos with your index, middle and ring finger. This is what I would do, don't try to mimic other players, who can hold a pick, just be yourself and be proud of it. You'll get there.
  7. I would say that if you love the guitar you have, you shouldn't replace it too easily. They sell something called "guitar plug" which is basically a micro amp that goes directly into your guitar output jack and allows you to play with a headset. Other micro amps can get the job done, for instance I use the Mooer Radar for that purpose. On the other hand, if your main problem is that you miss the acoustic sound, there's nothing much to do, you may indeed want to consider a new instrument. Good luck.
  8. Hey, wait a sec! I just took a look at the link in your post and that's exactly my pedal (or maybe a slightly newer, updated version). Buy with confidence, Pal, this thing is a tank. It also comes with a second pedal that allows you to go through the many tracks using your foot. The second pedal is not necessary to operate the Looper and can serve many functions (I use it to navigate the tracks). The recording quality is 24 bits, I think the latest Boss Looper is 32 bits, and probably it's the only tangible advantage over the Nux.
  9. I own a Nux Deluxe Looper, which I use as a recording pedal, given its features, etc. but not to get lost in my own thoughts and to answer your question, in my opinion Nux stuff is superb. The value packed in my Nux pedal still surprises me every time I use it, and it has been a while since I bought it. At that time it was one of the most advanced looper I could find etc. Construction quality and the logic behind the many functions are second to none. Emerging companies want to build a reputation and usually make good products. I would certainly recommend Nux and buy from them again. Still please be aware that my experience is limited to this one pedal.
  10. Thanks a lot buddy. The guitar is lovely, especially the plain colour scheme. There are many humble models that will get the job done, indeed, as you may know, in the 50s 60s and probably in the 70s as well, Fender guitars were popular because they were cheap and there was not much of an alternative. Also the guitar is traditionally a humble instrument when compared to the piano, etc. You see? Senile babble reveals I'm getting older
  11. I have just learnt Paganini's Moto Perpetuo I know it all just need to bring it up to the right speed. I'm also working on For Elise, some of the lower notes in the bass clef are not available on guitar so I'll have to tweak it a bit.
  12. Thanks Douglas it clarifies a few things very well, starting from the flashing LEDs...
  13. I have a Boss compressor, the latest model, I think, CP 1X, which is part digital and part analog etc. Now this model has some lights representing the amount of compression applied to the guitar signal, or something like that. Is the compressor still working and affecting the signal from the guitar even if this lights don't flash at all? I use single coils and the output they provide is generally low so it is not easy for this lights to work, unless I am strumming, etc. Also is there a sweet spot for the compression settings? Thanks
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