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  1. To be honest I’ve just tried it through my Trace/BF/Zoom B3 and it sounds wonderful. Who knew?
  2. Ooh that THR5 looks interesting, I may take a deeper delve. Thanks
  3. Thanks. I did reply to an ad on here for an AD60, then realised it was months old . Weight isn’t an issue as it won’t be going anywhere. I’ll keep an eye out.
  4. For context I play my bass at home through an old school Trace 250 head into a Barefaced Four10, but I can play it quietly. The volume adjustment is such that I can play it and it still sounds like it should without annoying the neighbours. Therefore I want a guitar amp that I can control the volume of without it sounding shite and without a ‘notchy’ volume pot (ie all or nothing).
  5. Hi all I’ve been steering more toward playing guitar at home of late. Issue is I’m completely out of touch with suitable guitar amps for home practice (the last guitar amp I bought was a Laney Linebacker 65R about 30 years ago)! I’m after something quiet enough for home (no gigging planned), definitely with reverb and possibly with a few of the other bells and whistles that some amps have nowadays, if it avoids me needing to get pedals. What would you recommend? Cheers
  6. I’m the same, not usually keen on gold hardware but I just kept coming back to this one. Something with the depth of that green that just works so well with the gold. I don’t know why there aren’t more Gretsch around in this colour, it’s stunning.
  7. I’m a bass player by trade but have played a little guitar over the years. I’ve always fancied a Gretsch from first seeing my dad’s Eddie Cochran and Duane Eddy records, to the beautiful models seen in pop videos in the 80’s, to more recently seeing one of my favourite artists Richard Hawley use them to wonderful effect. I thought when I did finally get one I’d end up getting something big and orange, however I was absolutely seduced by this 2016 Cadillac Green beauty. It looks absolutely stunning in the flesh and plays wonderfully well. Resistance was futile and now it’s all mine. I’m hooked.
  8. 1964 Hofner Verithin with Bigsby
  9. 1959 Hofner Club 60 Guitar
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