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Wylie last won the day on December 7 2022

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Total Plectrums

  1. Currently working on the standard ballad In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning.
  2. Beautifully played.
  3. I also was a strummer/picker for many years, strictly folk-style playing with one or two licks thrown in. Since beginning lessons two years ago (with a Covid-induced break) I have learned to read music; to play while reading, in position; to play riffs and licks in different keys; and scores of chords. In short, I've learned more in two years than in the previous forty. Really learning the guitar makes a big difference.
  4. Wylie

    NGD Eastman T386

    I came upon a very good offer for this Eastman guitar, saved my money (and sold a piece of unused gear, and a poem) and bought it. All but brand new. The guitar plays beautifully, with low action and a very slim neck. (Anyone reading this and expecting tech talk with be disappointed.) It's strung with D'Addario 10s, which seem just right; bendable, but also taut enough to stay in place with the right touch. A chord rings on this guitar forever. I use the neck pickup almost exclusively and the tone is mellow overall, and very responsive to variations in touch, which is great as I usually play finger style. It is a bit touchy to tune, but otherwise flawless as far as I can tell. I'm currently playing thru a Carvin MicroBass combo amp (don't cringe--it sounds great) because that's all I have, but I have my eye on a tube amp for the future.
  5. Thanks, T-Bay.
  6. I have a Korean-made Epi Sheraton with stock pickups. I bought it used, but I assume they're stock. The sound of the guitar, neck pickup, strummed or picked, sounds fine--a strong, balanced tone. But with fingers, not so good. I have long fingernails, so string contact doesn't seem to be an issue. The finger-picked sound is just indistinct and the top strings sound muffled. I wonder if anyone can advise me on either raising or lowering the neck pickup (I am not concerned about the bridge pickup) to improve--or just change--the tone. I have read a few things online, but I would like to hear from someone who's had experience. Thanks. Wylie
  7. Reinier Baas, contemporary jazz guitarist.
  8. Thanks, EZ, I will do this.
  9. Probably a very fundamental question for you guys . . . I play a Korean-made Sheraton through a Carvin amp, and while the sound is clear and clean, it is somewhat harsh, even on neck pickup alone. I would like a more rounded, jazz tone, and I've been looking at (and listening to demos of, natch) the DV Mark Micro 50-watt jazz head, and wondering if that would bring my sound to a higher level. I have a 12-inch cab to run it through. As primarily a bass player, I'm somewhat new to guitar and to the ins and outs of amplification. At root, I'm wondering if this guitar's sound can be improved and, if so, can an amp make that happen? Thanks in advance! Wylie
  10. It's a little hard to understand your questions. First, why should classical guitar--and its associated music, which is largely serious music and also Latin music--"develop" on rock lines? The answer is perhaps self-evident. The classical guitar certainly makes appearances all over the place--for example, take a listen to John Scofield's album "Quiet!"--but a leopard is not, as they say, likely to change its spots.
  11. Thanks, EM. I appreciate your taking the time for this.
  12. Haven't found this elsewhere on the site, so I'll ask here: Has anyone used any of the new Vox MV50 "Nutube" amps? I am looking for an amp that will produce a somewhat smoother or more mellow tone than my current solid-state amp, and I feel the inexpensive MV50 Clean might be the one. I'd like to hear about some users' experiences before I buy. Any and all replies appreciated, thanks. Wylie
  13. I am wondering if anyone has tried or owns this DV Mark head. Does it do what it claims to do? Any report would be appreciated, thanks!
  14. Thanks, EZ. And I might just take myself to a guitar shop one day and try out a guitar amp!
  15. I am currently playing my Epi Sheraton (used Korean make, new to me) through my little Carvin microbass combo, 10-inch speaker. I am considering buying a DV Mark 50-watt jazz amp head, and I would play through a Schroeder 12-inch cab. As you can see, I have plenty of bass gear, and hardly any guitar gear--except for the guitar! I've never played the guitar through a guitar amp; just haven't wanted to spend more money on more gear. But am I missing anything I shouldn't miss by using bass amplification and speakers for guitar? Any thoughts? Wylie
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