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Fishfacefour last won the day on December 6 2022

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  1. Quick update after I had an hour to pop in to a guitar shop. I tried a few things but the one that clicked for me was a Reverend club king 290. Although it's a 25.5 inch scale it didn't feel a stretch. It balances as well as my jag. It's semi hollow but feels more chambered than other semis. The tones were amazing though. Really responsive to touch, and the bass cut and tone knobs give lots of scope for changing sounds. Anyway, I'll have my eye out for one of these. If I can flog something off I might even trat myself to a new one.
  2. The last guitar I bought was from merchant City music in Glasgow. They were really helpful and let me noodle for ages on lots of different guitars. Every guitar I tried was well set up. I've bought small things from them online before like tuners and pedals and they've turned up really quickly. Also bought a bass from guitar guita a couple of years ago. Completely online transaction with helpful online chat on the website. Turned up quickly in good condition. Kennys are always friendly but I've not bought anything from them. Hope this helps...
  3. So wrong it's right?
  4. Yes I think it is the acoustic resonance from the body of the guitar that I'm missing... I'll persevere but try out some of the smaller hollow bodies if I get a chance to see if that makes the difference.
  5. I'm following a Julian lage rabbit hole now. I can't get this anywhere near up to speed, but having fun working it through.
  6. Thanks, it's hard to get a sense of the differences in body size and ergonomics online. What are the thoughts on Casino coupe Vs 339 in body size? Anyone tried the Gretsch g5655? Or even the Hagstrom alvar? All possibilities...
  7. Yes, seem far too expensive, but might give one a go. I think I need to get to a shop and try all the semis or maybe go for a full on acoustic. Theres lots of nice looking ibanez and Gretsch with 24.75" scale. Will have to see what feels right.
  8. Yes, that's the default but a bit of a faff setting up if you have a quick 5 minutes available.
  9. I've been really enjoying playing my jaguar. The short scale and offset shape really fits me and I feel like it's helped me progress and play more challenging material. But... I'm missing the acoustic sound of my hollow body. I can't always plug in when I'm practicing at the moment and the unamplified sound of the Jag is uninspiring to say the least. I went back to the semi hollow (it's a peerless tonemaster custom, 25.5" scale, full 17.5" body) and although it sounds lovely, it felt unwieldy. So, is there such a thing as an offset short(er) scale semi hollow? Closest I've seen is a dangelico bedford semi hollow, but can't see one nearby to try Any suggestions?
  10. That's sounds awesome, a really interesting sound but sounds properly tricky.
  11. I tried that years ago as a kid, can't for the life of me remember the tuning. I think I had a transcription in a guitar magazine.
  12. Thought this could be a good place to inspire each other with what we're working on at the moment. I've been revisiting this Julian lage arrangement of an ornette Coleman song. This got me back in to playing guitar again back on April. The stretches were just too much. Since I got a 24" scale it's much more manageable.
  13. These are lovely.
  14. Looks good. Great price, terrible name! What are people's thoughts on auto wah?
  15. Hi everyone, Was thinking of adding a wah. Any recommendations to go with a Jag? Any tips on technique? I'm looking for something for funk adjacent rhythm playing style rather than Hendrix style solo stuff. Thanks in advance!
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