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Everything posted by ibanezImy

  1. Quick update, I won't be able post here for 10 days. So no more updates for 10 or more days, going away from the weekend. Thanks all. Hope everyone has a good summer holiday.
  2. @ezbass @Dad3353 Sorry for any inconvenience caused loading videos. With them taking long time to load and play. But it seems you guys got there eventually. My bad dudes. @Crusoe thanks for the feedback and input on my terrible chord. I will take a look at that some time tomorrow dude. @crusie I didn't mean to tag you. Tagged by mistake it won't let me delete.
  3. Tried playing it on chrome browser via phone? They are up for me.
  4. Clean tone a chord PXL_20230809_141650584.mp4
  5. I retuned it, I think I did it. Clean tone. PXL_20230809_140521899.mp4
  6. Sorry about this, but try chrome browser?.. I uploaded it via phone on chrome browser. I'm not really a wiz on computers much lol Is there no option to download the video?.. Because i uploaded it without editing it. Or try Firefox, because i can see it on my firefox browser on my windows 11 laptop
  7. Tiktok is really good for musicians, especially guitarists, the audience there is much more friendly and apreciateable . Even if you are not so good right now at it you can grow with your audiences feedback really good.
  8. Thanks @Dad3353 This looks like i will have to spend more time on than usual on it, Really apreciate your time and help here, really means alot!
  9. Here is a clean tone version of all the open and closed . PXL_20230807_155411232.mp4
  10. I don't have a physical one, only via apps.
  11. Okay but will be tomorow now from the evening... So basically you need clean tone next.
  12. Okay for diagnostic uses here's a video . Yeah my chord does sound "dead". I used g strings guitar tuner. PXL_20230806_172101164.mp4
  13. But they sound nothing like these references i found... https://leftyfretz.com/free-left-handed-guitar-chord-diagram-chart/
  14. So a bit of practice today here is my terrible a chord. PXL_20230806_164059583.mp4
  15. @Dad3353 That makes absolute sense! So the one you don't press is basicall an open. Amazing! I will try to make some recordings soon of my chord progress dude.
  16. Like a c major dude
  17. One question, how would I play a chord that has a gap between two or one notes.. they seem quite tricky at the moment.
  18. Thanks for the help guys, this will really improve my on my improvs.. Apreciate it 100%
  19. Yes i just have been, D chord and A chord seem the easiest so far.
  20. @Dad3353 Thanks, will take a look at these, i also looked on google and found this interesting link.. https://www.guitar-chord.org/articles/left-handed-chords.html
  21. The thickest string is at the top like normal 6 string guitars, then they descend like they should from the thickest string as a normal 6 string would.
  22. I assumed it would be like that, but that's what is making it difficult to execute the sound of a certain chord, i can't seem to hit any type or shape of chord except a power chord.
  23. 1 I am left handed 2. My guitar is left handed. 3. The neck hand is on my right and my picking is on my left. 4. The Thickest string High E is on the top as a normal 6 string guitar. Here are your answers..
  24. I really want to learn chords and how to arpegio chords too, but i get in a rut on how to strike them down with my neck hand, maybe its my left handed guitar maybe its my gain to high, i dont really know .. It's stopping me from improving on my improvisations. So many videos on youtube teaching how to learn chords, but what is the most solid technique if you have a left handed guitar, or does it matter with left handed guitar. If you need to know what strings im using for chords, its light guage 10-46 Thanks!
  25. I use 10-46 for light gauge they are really good for the bends and also they play great with light guitar pick too.
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