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Everything posted by Variable

  1. I think there is no right or wrong way to learn, its your journey. Paid guitar lessons one on one id imagine would be the best structured way to go providing a clear path to progression and achievement. And with the right instructor would be money well spent. For me, I use tabs, listen to the artist over and over, youtube has some great song lessons for all levels, justin and andy guitar, 365 , marty is one my favourites very light hearted. I dont put any expectations on myself being a newish older player, no time limits to when i achieve this chord or that lick. I can honestly say ive never been frustrated or annoyed at myself for the things i cant quite do yet, all been enjoyable guitar to me is almost like meditation to me, stress free and relaxing. Id imagine most start of with a 3 chord song to strum along to. Mine was a 4 chord the verve song "lucky man" Ive tried a couple of apps, doesnt really work for me, each to their own i guess just remember its supposed to be fun whichever ever method you choose to learn with. Rocksmith + can be a bit of a laugh to mess with, has lessons and a stack for of songs.
  2. Variable

    Eart Guitars

    Anyone had any experience of budget line of guitars by Eart guitars? Some snazzy features for a budget range like compound necks 7.25 to 9.5 is something i would be curious to try. Also a headless range. Price range 300 quid mark and up Your thoughts
  3. Ive watched a few videos, im sold on the idea. Gak have the pod go on sale atm, which apparently will run for at least end of the month. My pedals are up on ebay to help fund tnis purchase
  4. Decent price
  5. Line 6 POD go multi FX Processor anyone have any knowledge of? Im thinking about getting rid of my pedals, 5 in total, boss mt2, boss ch1, boss rc3 and tc electronic the prophet and dunlop crybabybthe sale should get me part to the line 6. My idea is the line 6 can do all of the above in one unit? I only play at home for my own amusement, very much still learning . I like the idea of pre made profiles for genres and songs on the pod. Your thoughts ladies, gents pros cons Thanks
  6. Thanks
  7. Variable

    My tele

    Just about finished my telecaster build from parts. Waiting on a jack plate one i bought was wrong size. I will no doubt fiddle with intonation feels sounds ok atm, neck relief is set at the heel so will play around and then make adjustments when i change strings. Bridge sitting high but action is low. Pickups are Custom shop Texas Special Switch gear and bots, pick guard from Axesrus Body and neck i bought from ebay Fender tuners, fender neck plate. Wd Bridge (pretty sure its WD) I chucked some Slinkys on it. Messing around with a bit of rhythm "sympathy for the devil" and i like it, twang and then some. Will see how it bends and stuff later.
  8. Looks amazing fella, there's me struggling to put together a partscaster.
  9. Thats it all parts ordered, no more decisions to make, hopefully goes together nicely fingers crossed.
  10. Switch plate and gear arrived, had to dremil to the cavity as it just wasnt fitting, sitting nicely now. Pick guard also isnt perfectly snug with the contour of the switch plate, im guess a bit of sanding to ensure a nice fit. Bridge is on the way, once ive worked out all the holes for drilling for the hardware i will be able to to sort out any imperfections and get the lacquer on. Pick up wise, im tempted by some fender texan customs after hearing examples as kindly suggested earlier on here. Neck im not so sure, think i want a 22 fret as a lot seem to be 21 fret. Eyes on a fender neck at the moment however i have noted some non branded neck are considerably cheaper from the likes of northernguitar i think they're called. Any advice welcomed.
  11. I suppose the thumb over the top hendrix style might be problematic but thats really just a style so dont let that stop you. You'll develop your own style for sure. Ive often thought i should be strumming picking left and fretting right hand, i mean my right hand is by default my most dextrous hand. Im right handed, fretting is the more complex than picking isnt it?
  12. Do like the look of the bigsby, not so much the price. I will just go for a traditional looking tele bridge that allows strings through the back of bridge, not sure how this will effect the tone? Apologies for reply above the forum glitchec before i could type.
  13. Do like
  14. Thanks ive listened to a few online now, think ive decided. ? Ordered a few bits now, control plate gear, pick guard, know which bridge i want. Neck and tuners im not so sure on at the moment.
  15. Advice on choosing pickups for my tele build. Want a bit of twang, a classic telecaster sound i guess but tbh i dont know where to begin. Ive given a couple of examples to run your eye over, ive also looked at tex mex which are reasonably priced. What have you got in your telecaster? https://www.northwestguitars.co.uk/wilkinson-vintage-alnico-v-telecaster-pickups-for-stratocaster-electric-guitars/ https://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Fender-Yosemite-Telecaster-Pickup-Set/2W7V?origin=product-ads&gclid=Cj0KCQiA4OybBhCzARIsAIcfn9kfzt-nbSo Thanks
  16. Hendrix John Frusciante Slash
  17. Certainly looks like a challenge that.
  18. Thank you, hopefully have the guitar completed after Christmas, just got to sneak the parts into the house without the mrs seeing
  19. Hotel California solo which is one of my favourites love the licks. I usually have a few a bounce back too from RHCP being another of my favs . Im still work in progress but still enoying playing no less.
  20. Dye turned out ok, quite happy with it especially for 1st timer duffer and all. Will seal and the eventually apply nitrocellulose once all the necessary holes are drilled. Some glue spots, which you only see when you start to dye doh. Veneer is so thin i didnt want to sand too much, only here and there for glue spots. Fortunately the worst spot will be under the scratch plate. Plan to put a top loading bridge on, white pick guard. Single coils (not sure which) Neck im looking around for, i see a fender 22 fret for 200 quid online. Tuners, control plate hopefully Prewired all the above all on shopping list sssh dont tell the Mrs.
  21. Body arrived today, quite smooth, looking good. Question Whats the first process you would use when colour dying? Im assuming i shouldnt seal till ive dyed? Id imagine it might hinder the dye penetration? Do i need to use a grain filler? Thanks
  22. Thanks for the reply. Didnt know about raising the grain, had to google that. I'll avoid warerbased go alcohol then as im going to be working on a maple veneer, might be risky doing too much sanding i imagine the veneer will be quite thin. Beautiful piece of work btw, scratch building is way beyond my skills and my tool box im afraid. Fascinating seeing how these guitars are created. Im sure just putting together a tele will be more than enough challenge for me, i plan to pick up the components as i go along. Thanks.
  23. Nice job, Whats the brigde on that? Thinking about a top loading bridge but they seem to be thin on the ground for a telecaster
  24. Advice, Im about to start on a tele build, ideally id like to do a vibrant green burst effect on the body. Most of the youtubers being based in US seem to be using alcohol based dyes, brands which dont sell here in the UK like keda. I was wondering if anyone on here had any experience of wood dying? Which products would yield the look im after. Thanks.
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