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Everything posted by RichieSambuka

  1. https://youtu.be/Bu-yawi1nv8
  2. All short scale for kids, awesome and ace colours too for about £100 or just over
  3. Jackson minions, Ibanez similar sized guitars etc
  4. It costs nothing to ask , everything’s negotiable , if you can’t get a price reduction some free accessories at least.
  5. I miss my tiger striped Kramer pacer vintage but I put the money towards a new really nice epi Les Paul custom pro. Although I did sell that in the end it was great for 2 or 3 years . I do miss the Kramer though
  6. On guitars of mine that had a single mid pickup I had it screwed down flat as I would keep catching it
  7. I regularly listen to the Kiesel Jam on YouTube upon which she is one of the participants , awesome
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