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Everything posted by Tramainedous

  1. Was hoping to get your opinions on my latest cover - Time by Joe Satriani. I’ve put my own spin on it so it’s be great to know if I pass or not lol ;D thanks! Time - Joe Satriani (Cover by Tramaine) I hope you enjoy!
  2. Hi everyone! Until about a year ago, I posted my youtube videos regularly to this forum (YouTube). I'd like to thank you and the forum admin for letting me do so because it gained me a very loyal following, from which I continue to benefit from. Since my first album 'Heavy Balance', I have been working on my second album along with Alex Argento, who has helped me produce it, to get it a step beyond 'Heavy Balance'. We have definitely achieved that, and we are very proud and excited about the album and getting it out to you. We both wanted this album to feature 100% real instruments and voices and be perfectly polished, modern, and most of all, original and authentic. Naturally, the production costs to achieve this have gone beyond what I can personally fund, which is why we need your help! We have set up a crowd-funding campaign on the platform Kickstarter to make this production happen and get it to you in its ultimate form. Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to release this album unless these funds are acquired, but I don't dwell on that because I know we can do it. I will not be profiting in any way as a result of this campaign, as all funds are 'spoken for' and will pay for the production costs, respectively. Suppose the campaign does raise more than its goal, I will use the extra money raised to further enhance the album's release, whether that be music videos, alternate types of media or even a live performance to kick everything off! Either way, any extra will benefit us all, not just a select few. If you can financially support this album and would like to contribute, please visit the link below we are truly appreciative of you helping us get a step closer to our goal. SUPPORT THE CAMPAIGN HERE If you cannot support it financially but want to contribute, it would mean a lot if you could take a few seconds to share the link on your social media, and that too will help us just as much, bringing us even closer to succeeding. Thank you for your continued support, Tramaine
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  3. Here is my guest solo section from the track Escape, by Fardin Faiyaz - I love playing this style of metal \\m// Let me know what you think! Tramaine Guest Solo - Escape
  4. Hi Everyone! Thought I would (as usual) post my performance of this track, in which I am using a Marco stole Tone pack, which in my opinion is indistinguishable from his tone. I thought I'd post this to get your opinion on it also! I showcase 2 of said tones from the pack in this performance. Hope you enjoy!
  5. Hi again everyone, thank you for the response on my last video, much appreciated! Here is another highly requested track I covered recently. Here it is - No Boundaries by Michael Angelo Batio. https://youtu.be/ka2oPYuVcyk
  6. Just to let you guys know, thanks to everyones support, I won the competition!
  8. Thank you very much! I thought it was important to get the lead parts to sound as close to the studio recording as possible. This is one of the few tracks that in my opinion, can't be made to be any better than they already are. So I truly appreciate your generous comment man, thanks.
  9. Hi everyone, I've just filmed a cover of one of my favourite ballads, 'Always with me, Always with You' by the legend Joe Satriani. I recently came across some Kemper Tones which I thought where pretty good and had that sheen. we all try to get when dialling in a tone for this track. Let me know what you think! I've added more gain than usual just to make it pop a bit more , thanks everyone https://youtu.be/a0s1bhRkfSc
  10. Hi Everyone , first, thank you all for your excellent support. Thanks to you guys here, I have achieved an important milestone on YouTube, and my community (although modest) has grown a lot and is very supportive. I thought I'd share my take for the Seymour Duncan solo contest which at this moment in time, is still open and closes on the 15th June 2020. Please let me know what you think, and if you enjoyed, subscribing, liking and/or sharing would really help a lot, and be truly appreciated, Thanks everyone!
  11. Hi everyone - Here is a guest solo I performed for Italian guitarist Alessandro Zilio. If you haven't heard of him yet, - check out his new EP which is out now. This solo is from the track 'Lost' from said Ep. Hope you enjoy it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ddJ2u9ZzIo
  12. Hi Everyone, I thought here would be a great place to share my entry into the Kiesel Guitars' Solo Contest 2019. If you would like to participate, you can find all of the information you need on the "kiesel guitars solo contest" facebook page. Thank you and I hope you enjoy!
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