OVERTHROW are looking for an experienced, lead guitarist to join as a permanent member.
We are independent, have an established local and national following and are actively gigging on a regular basis.
We have an album of material written that we are due to record in the summer of 2019, release and then embark on a regional tour towards to the end of 2019/beginning of 2020. We are looking for someone who can initially join as a touring member, with a view to joining as a permanent/full-time member.
Technically proficient on specifically lead, but also rhythm guitar.
Heavily influenced by and passionate about Death, Thrash, Black, Heavy and Extreme Metal (no 'core' stuff) and an appreciation for honest songwriting.
Must have previous experience in playing/performing with established, hard-working Metal band(s).
Must be based in London, or within easy reach of London if just outside.
Must be 100% dedicated and involved in every aspect of the band. We want you to be an active member, not just a voiceless passenger.
Must be available for weekly rehearsal/band meetings.
Strong songwriting ability.
Recording experience.
Own transportation.
Connections with other musicians and promoters across the UK and abroad.
A good sense of humour/an appreciation for dark humour is definitely preferred.
If you are interested, please contact me via email (jayoverthrow1989@gmail.com) or you can get in contact via FB:
FB dot com/OverthrowUK
We also have an online EPK you can check out: artistecard dot com / overthrow
where you can find some audio we recorded live in the studio in December.