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Everything posted by Crusoe

  1. I don't think they are designed to be repaired. I'm really torn. I can use my bass amp and have a few pedals I can plug in, but there's no reverb on it and doent like getting nice, new shiny amps?
  2. This is the phones jack from inside.
  3. i know what you mean. I started a thread about needing a new amp. As the amp I have is cheap, I don't think it would be worth repairing (or if it can be repaired). I have a bass amp and a Positive Grid Spark Go I can use. I would only need a 1/8" to 1/4" adaptor for headphones for the bass amp (I have two of them, but I'm buggered if I can find them) and could use my pedals through it, but I've seen the Fender Mustang LT25 and am seriously considering getting that.
  4. Thanks Dad. I thought it might have been something like that. I'm not sure if the headphone socket can be replaced. I took the amp out of the cabinet and the headphone socket seems to be glued to the circuit board. It's only a very cheap amp, so probably not economically viable to fix. The alternative to a new amp is that I just use my Fender Rumble bass amp. The guitar sounds a little muddy through it, but it works.
  5. Something odd is happening with my amp. It works with headphones plugged in, but I need to push the jack plug in firmly. There's just nothing coming from the speaker. It's only a cheap Harley Benton HB-20R, so i'm not upset about replacing it. I might get the Fender Mustang LT25. If anyone has any ideas as to what the issue might be, please let me know.
  6. I have had this a while now an I have to say I'm impressed with it. Is it the best sounding amp out there? No. Would I replace a practice amp with it no? However, what it is is extremely convenient. I often have to be away at weekends for a couple of days, so instead of lugging my 20W combo (not that it's huge) around, I stick the Go in my gig bag with a cable and that's me. On Wednesday, i had a bit of time to kill, so was able to sit in the car and play. The four built in presets aren't great, although the higher gain ones are better than the clean channel, which is also very quiet, but when you pair it with the app on your computer, tablet or phone there's a huge range of presets and you can change the settings on them. You can use the app to play along with songs, or use the smart jam facility to make your own music. It actually sounds rather good through headphones. It also functions as a Bluetooth speaker, which is an added bonus.
  7. Crusoe


    Maybe it was death watch beetle after all and his did fall down.
  8. Crusoe


    Welcome to the forum!
  9. I got confused and watch an old episode of "Crossroads" at midnight. I couldn't understand how Benny and Miss Diane were going to teach me how to play guitar.
  10. With those three chords you could have a go at Peggy Sue, by Buddy Holly - First song I ever learned on guitar, over 30 years ago.
  11. Get yourself down to the local Cash Converters. There's bound to be at least one in there that you can try.
  12. Crikey, I'd forgotten all about that. I remember the gig, but forgot about doing my hair. As for yours, I think you would have to pay a visit to Elliott's
  13. It doesn't look angry with you; just disappointed
  14. This sounds like a cool idea. I don't think my abilities would be up to scratch enough to be of use to you, though, but good luck with it.
  15. Welcome Martin!
  16. I've never played one (not sure I've ever even touched one), so that was a bit tongue in cheek, but I have seen comments on their QC. Still, I imagine that they produce excellent guitars in general.
  17. When I read comments about Gibson quality control, I think you could say that not all guitars are good now, even the expensive ones.
  18. I forgot to mention, check out Justin Guitar. He does excellent tutorial videos. He is a right handed player, but a while ago he tried learning left handed, to give him an insight into what his students go through. He put up the videos on his YouTube channel. Another easy one to learn is "Peggy Sue" by Buddy Holly - 3 chords, A, D and E
  19. Crusoe


    Welcome YnJ
  20. Crusoe

    Worn out neck

    Check out Louie Shelton's fretboard?.
  21. Crusoe


    Hey Mia! Tell us a bit more about yourself. What do you play? What do you listen to?
  22. Check this out. I would also advise you to invest in a physical tuner. You can get them quite cheaply.
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