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Everything posted by Crusoe

  1. I'm willing to bet that almost no one in the audience will be able to tell the difference.
  2. I got a chord-a-day calendar,. What did everyone else get?
  3. Crusoe


    Would you get one of those for under £300? You might even struggle to get one second-hand, especially Epiphone.
  4. Natural marks like that add character.
  5. Crusoe


    Welcome to the site Walks. I don't know much about Les Paul style guitars, but you can get this one that's well within your budget Harley Benton SC-Custom II SPAF – Thomann UK You'll find loads of LP style guitars on there for less than £300.
  6. With a thread title like that, I think you are looking for www.murderdetectivechat.co.uk
  7. I wouldn't say I love it, but I do really like it. For me, it's the portability. I have a guitar lesson after work once a week and can sit in the car for half an hour beforehand and practise. It sounds decent enough too. Obviously it's not going to be as loud or full sounding as a larger amp, but it's good enough for my needs.
  8. Welcome!
  9. Oh no, that's a pity.
  10. I watched your latest video last night and, as Fatboy Slim said, "you've come a long way, baby".
  11. Always good to plug a shop if they've given good service, as we are usually quick to let everyone know if we've had bad service.
  12. Crusoe

    1st Post

  13. Welcome to the forum.
  14. Lovely guitar. Health to play. What shop was it?
  15. I've a funny feeling it was recorded on either a Les Paul, or a 355, or something else "Gibson-y", so the AS-73 would be closer to that kind of thing.
  16. Welcome!
  17. Strange one... I've been learning the Riverboat Song and having trouble getting the rhythm and speed of the solo right (I can play it in isolation, but not with the backing track). I was playing the TE-62 last night and just couldn't get it. Hands were sweating, fingers sticking to strings, just nothing working. I switched to the Ibanez and it was much better.
  18. Last weekend I was playing my Ibanez AS73. When I I picked up my Harley Benton TE62DB, I actually felt something like relief. I do love the Ibanez, but the body is just so big, it can feel awkward, plus the neck is a bit fatter - the HB neck just felt... right.
  19. I'm not sure about the lights round the body, but I think lights in the sound hole might look pretty cool.
  20. Welcome Fellman. Justin Guitar is probably one of the best there is. Some others that I like on YouTube are Marty Schwarz (Marty Music), Anyone Can Play Guitar, Jules Guitar, Rustys Guitar and Sean Daniel, among others.
  21. Welcome to the forum Oldtimer.
  22. Yeah, I had started another thread about needing a new amp. The new one is great fun. I haven't fully explored its capabilities yet, but it does sound good for my purposes.
  23. I called into the local bricks 'n' mortar shop at the weekend to try a couple of amps. T9ok my own guitar with me so that I knew what to expect if i did make a purchase. The guy in the shop was really helpful and set me up with a couple of amps and left me to it. I plugged in and sat down to play, but I wasn't feeling very well and I just couldn't get my fingers to work. I struggled to play anything and felt so crap that I kept the volume down. Meanwhile, on the other side of the shop, some 14 year old kid was running off all sorts of riffs. The intro to Welcome to the Jungle with the delay effect; many Metallica songs. I can't remember what else. So I just packed up my guitar and left (paying for a new Fender Mustang LT25 on my way out the door).
  24. Crikey, you weren't joking! Health to play.
  25. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone with that sort of expertise.
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