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Everything posted by Crusoe

  1. If I had the money spare, I'd bite your arm off for it.
  2. Hey there! Good to see you here.
  3. I'm not really sure. There's a lot of feedback, seems to be a lot of echo and probably reverb as well.
  4. I have a TE-20. I'm still very much a beginner, but as far as I'm concerned, it's a really good wee guitar. It stays in tune pretty well and sounds fine. I'm sure better pickups would make it sound better and more expensive tuners would feel better to use, but it works as is.
  5. Do you ever find yourself noodling on the guitar and suddenly recognise what you are playing as a famous tune. Yesterday, I was sitting playing and suddenly realised I was playing part of the Grange Hill theme tune.
  6. I'm not sure how to get the sound, but can anyone tell me how to get my hair to look like William Reid's?
  7. I've never played a high end model, but have an Ibanez AS73. It is comparable in weight to my Harley Benton TE-20. I love the sound on it and it gets good reviews.
  8. Welcome Rabb!
  9. Crusoe

    My tele

    I love that colour
  10. You laugh, but I bet that at the back of your mind there's a little voice going "Hmm, I wonder..."
  11. I'm sure there's probably some way of doing it; probably involving soaking the teatowel in epoxy resin or something like that.
  12. Welcome!
  13. Crusoe


  14. Crusoe


    Welcome to the forum
  15. Hi Hugh. Guitars are pretty simple, once set up. Just plug in and play (if electric).
  16. Crusoe


    Welcome Slider
  17. I'll add my local shop, Matchetts in Belfast. They have a website with online ordering. The staff are friendly and helpful when in-store.
  18. Sounds really good. Well done.
  19. I had a look on Gear 4 Music and they have a JS11 Dinky that looks similar to the one you posted - dot inlays, headstock...
  20. Welcome to the forum
  21. If you want a campfire-style guitar (you know the sort of thing, some good looking guy with long, wavy hair produces one at a party and all the girls start ignoring you), it's hard to go wrong with a Yamaha F-310
  22. Thanks. Those will come in useful. I've subscribed.
  23. Blimey, where do I start? Moving my fretting fingers fast enough, clean picking.
  24. Welcome! What sort of budget do you have in mind?
  25. Bienvenue!
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