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Everything posted by Crusoe

  1. Let's face it, when you think of Johnny Marr playing, you think of Rickenbackers, Fender Jaguars or Gibson semi-acoustics.
  2. They really are. I still have a TE-62. It's a cracking guitar.
  3. I've never had a lot of guitar stuff, so have never sold anything. I did give a Harley Benton telecaster to my karate instructor - sort of as a long term loan deal, but in reality it's his now. Do I regret it? Not especially. For a very cheap guitar, it was quite nice. It sounded pretty good considering the guitar was only £68. The neck felt lovely. The fretboard was a bit strange. I'm not sure what sort of wood it was. It was very dark with very little grain.
  4. Welcome!
  5. Welcome! Some nice instruments there.
  6. Crusoe


    Hi Pete, welcome!
  7. If it's identical to another brand and is marked as that brand but not made or sold by them, it's illegal and if you do own one, illegal to sell it, I believe.
  8. I don't know much about music, but I believe there are reasons for D# instead of Eb and vice versa but I'm not sure what they are. Possibly something to do with the instrument being played or the key the song is in.
  9. And they way things are going, it'll probably be a while longer.
  10. Nearly 3 years ago. Price may have gone up with inflation
  11. Yeah, I think you might be right. MX for Mexico, JD for Japan, Z for... Zimbabwe? That powerhouse of African musical instrument manufacture
  12. Drive pedal?
  13. Welcome Jean Bon. Your surname isn't Jovi, by any chance?
  14. There's something odd looking about the serial number. the Z2 looks to be in a different typeface to the rest of it.
  15. When I got one, it came with an adapter.
  16. Excellent !
  17. That's a new one on me
  18. Welcome DoaA
  19. Welcome UD.
  20. Welcome Kai.
  21. Nothing. Don't really need anything.
  22. Welcome Dewayne. How long did they wait before he could come down from the tree?
  23. I always associate him with the white/ivory one.
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