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Everything posted by ezbass

  1. It was inevitable, reread part two…
  2. Be careful going for narrower spacing, as that may compromise the alignment with the bridge pickup. Why are you thinking of swapping out the original one?
  3. ezbass

    New toys.

    I can’t remember what preamp I was using but it was a Marshall, although not the nice valve driven one you have there (maybe a Valvestate). I definitely had a Marshall 2x12 cab and a Digitech RP10 in front of it all.
  4. ezbass

    New toys.

    The JMP1 was a rack staple back in the day. I had one, but can’t remember much about it.
  5. That’s a fantastic birthday present! Just finished rereading that a couple of days ago, you’re in for a treat.
  6. ezbass


  7. That’s pretty.
  8. ezbass

    Worn out neck

    That’s mojo right there, I’d leave it. YMMV.
  9. ezbass


  10. This is frustrating, I’ve tried Chrome and still nowt.
  11. I’m not a massive fan, I have a live DVD of theirs, but I’ve never seen them in the flesh (as a band). I sort of grew up with them around. I learnt A Hard Way To Live for my band as a teenager and Micky Jones played venues local to me at the time (South London). I can’t remember why I bought Deke’s Rhinos, but it’s one of my favourite reads and I recommend it to anyone, not just musicians; he was a very talented writer.
  12. Depends on what you like. The HSS is probably a bit more versatile IMO, as you can achieve a more raunchy tone from the humbucker as opposed to the thinner sounding, bridge single coil on a traditional Strat. However, the in between tone of position 2 (bridge and middle) is compromised.
  13. Inspired by this thread, I have started re-reading Rhinos and it’s still good this time around too.
  14. I’m feeling really hard done by, I want to help but this all I see
  15. I believe it’s been out of print for quite a while and the current costs are high because of the scarcity. However, it is available in a Kindle version for £6.
  16. One of the funniest books I’ve ever read. If you can find a copy at a reasonable price, get it. Same goes for Maybe I Should’ve Stayed In Bed.
  17. There's nothing like a lesson or tip from somebody actually physically there with you.
  18. I can't play the videos, they appear to have no content for me.
  19. A mere young lad! Happy cake day, Sir.
  20. ezbass

    Eart Guitars

    New one on me, so I'm can't help you here; sorry.
  21. These come with 10-46 new. I’d try some D’Addario (always good) 11-49 (EXL115) or Ernie Ball Power Slinkys (11-48) and see how they fare. Jumping a gauge straight to 12s might be too much.
  22. Nice, I love a single pickup guitar and if that’s a P90, all the better. The colour seems to be more of an effort at a Tele like butterscotch blond, rather than TV yellow. Crazy VFM at that price.
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