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Everything posted by ezbass

  1. We’re certainly on the same page when it comes to nut widths. I have very ‘Goldilocks’ tastes when it comes to nut widths, especially with the 4 string beast, J bass widths are just too narrow for me, but some fivers feel like the deck of an aircraft carrier.
  2. I used to have little chats back and forth with the lead singer, often going for innuendos. The trick is not to speak too quickly so that it doesn’t become gobbledygook for the audience.
  3. And PRS are (mostly) in the middle with their 25” scale. IIRC Jags and ‘Stangs are 24” although the latter used to be 22”.
  4. Morning players of the thin stringed thing. I’ve recently been lured into the genre within a genre of the Fender Offset guitar, mainly by YouTuber, Mike Adams also know as Puisheen https://youtube.com/c/Puisheen His style isn’t to everyone’s taste, but he knows his stuff when it comes to offsets and he’s grown on me to the point where I now follow him on YT and Instagram. Couple this with the purchase of a Mustang bass earlier in the year (yeah, sorry, I used the B word) and I’m now interested in trying out (which might lead to acquiring ) a Mustang guitar. I’ve never played a short scale guitar (at least that I know of and certainly not in the last 40 years) and wondered if the GC collective has had any experience with them. Are they really that different, are they comfortable, what’s your opinion of the sound? Regale me with your stories of these quirky, ‘student’ guitars, if you have any stories of course. The sharing of any short scale experiences would also be most welcome. I wait with bated breath.
  5. Ooh, new gear time, marvellous!* *Gets comfy in chair, lines up provisions and waits avidly for the next instalment.
  6. Mmm, Firebird.
  7. I always thought the dapper gentleman in your avatar was something random from the ‘30s. Well played, Sir, great hat (I am also suitably, follicley challenged and love a hat; my avatar is an old photo). With regard to the Flying V, and to paraphrase the Fast Show, suits you, Sir! You should definitely try and find another that you can love.
  8. Another one crosses over to the skinny stringed, chat, side.
  9. ezbass


    Best guitar amp I ever owned was a ‘59 Bassman reissue. Brian Setzer plays through Bassmans and he knows a thing or two about playing guitar. Solid choice IMO. Well done for posting pictures in your debut post. All of which earns you a hearty
  10. “Popping off the neck the neck was a little bit terrifying,” It was horrible watch that bit, it didn’t look like it would end well. It goes to show how solid that method of fixing necks is. I was not liking the restain at all until it was buffed up and then it looked amazing. The guy has some serious woodworking chops (pun unintended) and a seemingly endless supply of tools and workshop space. I liked that but, as warned, the backing track was awful.
  11. The very same chap. I have a few of their (Be Sharp) CDs. Best cover of Green Manalishi I've heard is on one of them. https://www.besharp.co.uk/be-sharp-live-2/
  12. I used to go and see Be Sharp a fair bit. They’re a 3 piece and the guitarist, Jerry Stevenson, uses a synth. The thing that really seemed to work well was he’d play a chord through a patch and then use a switch pedal to hold the chord. Worked really well for organ and string type emulations.
  13. Well, that works nicely.
  14. Sounds good (from your description, that is).
  15. I couldn’t tell you what brand was being played, but I could hear that some makes were a lot brighter, some were warmer/more mellow. Perhaps it was more down to the materials used, Slinkys and D’Addario EXLs are almost identical in sound to my ears, both are nickel plate jobbies. I had a penchant for bright strings once upon a time and used Dean Markley Blue Steels. With coated strings, I sometimes found them a little more muted to ordinary ones (back before my ears went to crap), which kind of makes sense I suppose; thus my original question.
  16. It really is a case of ‘nothing to see here’. Hopefully, you’ll get your pictures to post soon. Meanwhile
  17. My middle brother, Tony (really, I do have an older brother called Anthony, Tony, Tone, etc). C’mon, Dad. You know what I’m talking about, you are pulling my chain, so to speak (maybe ‘rattling my machine heads’ is a more appropriate metaphor).
  18. I was wondering about the tone. I found them to be very D’Addario like IIRC (which was a good thing for me).
  19. Did these arrive yet? What do you think?
  20. ezbass

    Tele Tastic!

    Something new in Tele World. There are also a number of supporting videos to this (the build).
  21. When are you expecting the new purchase to land? We expect a review of some description, now that we’re invested with vicarious GAS.
  22. Look out for this coming up on Anderton’s YT channel.
  23. I must voice my appreciation for @Richie Rich’s speed of GAS satiation, from asking for opinions to pulling the trigger in about 5 hours. We’ll played, Sir. A very worthy effort .
  24. Absolutely, they all seem to punch way above their price point. Things were very different back when I was a mere slip of a lad.
  25. Whilst not technically a thinline, I once has a very shallow bowled Ovation. It was pretty good tonewise but a PITA to play as it kept wanting to look at the sky when played on the knee. These days, I’ve gone the other way with jumbos.
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