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Everything posted by mikel

  1. mikel

    Bugera T5

    Thanks Matt it could be just what I am looking for.
  2. mikel

    Bugera T5

    Ahh well, worth a try, I will try one out and let you know what I think.
  3. mikel

    Bugera T5

    Does anyone have experience of the Bugera T5 infinium amp, or the combo. Looking for a bedroom practice amp and I like the sound of valves. Any comments gratefully received.
  4. Back in the early 70s my first proper amp was an Orange, Picks Only, 100w. It was an absolute beast, weighed an absolute ton, and I rarely got it above half way on the master. Got to use it once with two 4x12s at an outdoor gig. Flipping heck! Talk about loud and touch sensitive, it sang. Wish I still had it, and a roadie to carry it.
  5. mikel

    Mod or swap?

    I did this to a Tele copy. Shaped the body almost like the curves on a Strat. Made it much more comfortable and, as an extra bonus, made it lighter. Give it a go.
  6. Agreed, I was simply stating my stance that companies endorse musicians, not vice versa. The company sells more product on the back of suggesting the musician could only have attained their position because they use the companies product.
  7. mikel

    Ideal guitar

    I have a 1970 Gibson SG that I bought new, learned to play on, gigged extensively, and still play most days. Now that is a loved instrument. Anyway, it was a poor attempt at humor, regarding the fact it had only one string and had been "In a loft for at least 45 years, but was "Loved".
  8. The way I see it companies "Endorse" musicians, not the other way round. Little known guitarist just happens to play a certain instrument, becomes famous, so the manufacturer uses him or her to promote their instruments. Cynical advertising, but as long as the guitarist gets something out of it then why not?
  9. mikel

    Ideal guitar

    Not if its been in a loft for 45 years.
  10. True, but tell me what a LH player would gain from a specific thread? Genuine question.
  11. Caster sugar.
  12. Surely playing, buying, modifying and enjoying the guitar is the same for all, with the obvious exception of less guitars available for LH players?
  13. Curvy Sounds in Heaton, Newcastle. New and used guitars and basses, and the guy does the best and cheapest setups I for one have ever had. A real music shop, but mostly guitars and basses.
  14. Dave Gilmoure. Even if he had only ever played the first solo on Comfortably Numb. Mark Knopfler. His playing on the first Dire Straits album got bands playing guitars again. Peter Green. For me still the best white Blues guitarist.
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