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Total Plectrums

  1. A good point indeed; there is certainly a risk. Since then I have used it at some jams and it had plenty of volume on the clean channel even with the attenuator on 1/2 power.
  2. For jazz purposes I've had quite a lot of mileage out of a finger across the top four strings in standard tuning. This produces rootless (the bassist is in charge of roots) voicings of Min7, Maj6 and Maj9 chords depending where it's placed. With the addition of another finger one can get a dominant 7 or a 4-note "So What chord".
  3. Thinking that I ought to have a hollow bodied guitar for jazz I bought a Streamliner and have indeed given that Bigsby a wobble from time to time despite it being considered inappropriate within the genre.
  4. In order of discovery: 1. Hank Marvin. 2. Albert King. 3. Wes Montgomery. This was part of a progression from 60s pop; The Shadows were great but led me on a hunt for something more satisfying, eventually reaching 60s jazz. One thing I "learned" from Wes Montgomery was that if playing like him was what was expected from a jazz guitarist then I should stick to bass. This was back in the days where getting any information or tuition was very difficult. Only recently have I started to try guitar again, sounding nothing like him and accepting this.
  5. A late-arriving gift; a set of .012" TI jazz flatwound strings. These will go on an Epiphone LP special once I've had someone who knows what they're doing dress the frets properly.
  6. This year: A book on jazz guitar comping concepts.
  7. If no one mins a jazz mention, here are Wes Montgomery's Gibson L5s: https://jazzguitartoday.com/2020/05/the-many-l5s-of-wes-montgomery/
  8. Is there somewhere nearby you could try one? I had a go at a branch of PMT and didn't buy one in the end; a nice clean tone but not enough clean volume. I didn't investigate the distorted tones. If ordering online from them it can be returned to the nearest branch if not suitable. In the end I got a Vox MVX150C1, but they are now discontinued.
  9. From what I've read, Vox think that it is indeed a sort-of direct equivalent. I'm not sure if it's catching on, though. Recently, I purchased an MVX150C1 (Nutubes in preamp and power amp) but I think they're discontinued; the one I got was the last in stock at PMT and at a discounted price. I've not had chance to try it at a jam, gig or rehearsal yet but the tone seems good to me and I'd guess that it would be loud enough (150W class D 1x12"). Whilst they were generally available they didn't appear to be very popular, as far as I can tell. I've also got a VX50 GTV (Nutube in the preamp) and this has proven to be loud for its size and very portable.
  10. Well, I have obtained an RMA. Now I just need a box, unfortunately having thrown mine out before this guitar broke.
  11. My reasons for having them are that I like the tone (I mostly play jazz) and find them comfortable to play - as you say, I'd not have expected them to cause any issues on a guitar based on a design from that era.
  12. These are the strings: https://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/pyramid-gold-13-56-pure-nickel-flatwound-guitar-strings-true-vintage-gauge They shouldn't cause any issues on any decent guitar, I think.
  13. I think I'd prefer to have a refund and buy something else better made and able to handle heavy strings. A shame, as other than this (and the truss rod which slid out when I was adjusting it) this guitar sounds and feels very good.
  14. Hmmm... Thomann suggested that I try "...gluing 3-4 thin veneer strips to the bushing of the bridge stud using superglue..." or sending it back to them, I hope to not merely try the same.
  15. If it really is bad then perhaps a warranty claim might be in order. But, I'd rather fix it if I can.
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