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  1. Clearly, I have misjudged the market. £320 takes it.
  2. This is a mid-90s Japanese-built Fender Squier Telecaster. It had a very non-invasive B Bender in it which I have moved to another Tele. It was a Shelton B Bender - not one of the original ones where you lost half the body. I have attached pictures of the mechanism in the body. It is no longer there. There is small trough of no more than 5mm depth where the rod sat. It is structurally insignificant - you could even call it chambering. But I am telling you it is there for clarity. It sounds like a Tele should. And is well built like a Japanese Fender always is. Quite fancy it you know you do. This is a link to a thread in the other place which shows what the guts looked like before the transplant. https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/490531-ngd-tele-with-b-bender/
  3. https://www.gak.co.uk/en/squier-fsr-classic-vibe-60s-telecaster-thinline-gold-anodized-pickguard-sonic-blue/958317
  4. It is a Tele I bolted together using new parts from various places. I then saw a Fernandes Sustainer guitar being sold cheap. I bought it, paid someone to gut the pickup and controls and then plumb then into this. Sadly it looks as if he did it out of phase but being that I am not a guitarist and had no reference points I have only just clocked it.
  5. Lots of fun, but probably complicating matters.
  6. I cannot get the front plate off. So I opened the back. I perhaps should have mentioned that I have an Fernandes Sustainer pickup in there. I think I will take it to a grown up.
  7. You make it sound so easy. Will the internet give me pictures? I would go and look, but would not know what I was looking for. I can borrow a decent soldering iron from work. How hard can it be? Super famous last words.
  8. I checked my Tele by playing one which I knew to be correctly wired. Night and day difference.
  9. Interestingly, I went back to my Telecaster this morning which is where this started for me. My Tele has a sustainer humbucker in the neck and a standard Catswhisker T birdge pickup. I had played my Tele and then the Ricker-thang a few days ago which is what started this quest. It turns out that my Tele is all sorts of out of phase. So the neck pickup on my Ricker-thang is not actually full of magic, it is just actually wired correctly Because I am not a guitarist I am not attuned to what "should" be happening. Every day is a school day. As usual, thanks for humouring me.
  10. And my chances of getting my hands on a real 360 are somewhere between zero and zero.
  11. Thanks for the response. Sorry, I should have clarified. It is a much respected UK luthier who specialises in Rick-alikes. He has loaded it with Retrovibe Toaster pickups so I am presuming it is at the very least in the Rick ballpark.
  12. I have recently surprised myself by buying a Rick-alike 360 Capri in light blue. I am a sucker for the aesthetics, but ultimately I do not think it is for me. However I LOVE the neck pickup on it. I understand that there are lots of other parts to the equation of THE TOOONE!!!1!!, but quite fancy whacking one into something else. What is it about them which makes them them? Is it just a bog standard pickup in a fancy case or is it something Rick exclusive? Here is a picture cos I know what we are all like.
  13. I put some nicer humbuckers in this. Were they DiMarzio's? Possibly I just cannot remember. Anyway, £150 + shipping to your door. It is a bit dented but plays nicely. It needs new strings.
  14. owen

    Name this guitar?

    Thanks Magister. Very interesting. It is not mine to do anything with, but will feed back to the student who's grandfather owned it.
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