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MacDaddy last won the day on June 12 2021

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About MacDaddy

  • Birthday January 1

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Total Plectrums

  1. I did think of that, but the Pod is full of FX too, noise gate/compression/reverb/delay etc.
  2. I guess this is a try it and see situation, but I need to find out how to use a Pocket Pod live. The plan was to connect the Pod to a DI, but as the GDI21 has a DI out it will give a bit more versatility. I only need 2 sounds, clean and dirty, which I will get from the Pod. But if I need to change between them mid song I can use a clean Pod sound, and kick on a dirty GDI21 sound. I'm guessing noise gate full on in the Pod? Guitar > wireless > Pocket Pod > GDI21 > PA
  3. many years ago when I played classical guitar, I was never without an emery board, and a clear nail strengthener.
  4. Among other things, I'd like to see total fret access.
  5. MacDaddy


    For once this is actually a genuine question - is it any good for metal?
  6. MacDaddy


    Pretty accurate
  7. Probably going to buy one of these too. Probably the jazz one.
  8. MacDaddy

    Line 6 Variax

    If ever they manage to do a convincing nylon string model, I'd be tempted.
  9. MacDaddy


    How does it sound?
  10. MacDaddy


    Was looking for the 'Wow' like, and there isn't one!
  11. Sex Pistols anyone?
  12. I ended up buying these. The thickness is the same for all, 0.6 and 1.2, but the material for each is different with different levels of 'flex'. The green is the stiffest, followed by red then black. Ideally I'd want the green pick but with the black softer pick.
  13. Good advice from all above, the only thing I would say is that for me playing along to a metronome is slightly less boring than watching paint dry. Playing along with drums can make things a bit more interesting, plenty of free apps available on the t'internet. Also playing along with songs can be good as this will also work your 'ear' as you find the key and how to fit the licks.
  14. There are no absolutes. At a gig you might expect ZZ Top to be wearing denims, or you might expect them to be wearing suits. They're gonna be awesome regardless. Flying V's may be associated with metal, but when they came out lots of Country bands were using them. Billy Duffy uses his Gretch in The Cult. No Rockabilly in sight!
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